  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Applying Watson's Theory to a Patient with Guillain-Barré Syndrome


本文描述一位44 歲中壯年因突然罹患GBS(Guillain-Barré Syndrome;格林-巴瑞症候群)造成視力模糊、肌肉無力、導致呼吸衰竭接受呼吸器治療的護理過程。護理期間為2014 年12月15 日至12 月25 日,筆者藉由觀察、身體評估、查閱病歷等方式收集資料,運用生理、心理、社會及靈性四大層面評估,發現個案有呼吸道清除功能失效、身體功能活動障礙、便祕、無力感之健康問題。在護理過程中以Watson 關懷理論為基礎,鼓勵個案以有限的溝通方式表達感受與需求,且協同營養師、復健師採跨團隊照顧及鼓勵家人參與照顧,最終緩解身體不適、降低合併症的發生及增加其對於疾病的控制感。期望藉此經驗能共勉臨床護理人員,針對罕見困難照顧個案,應不放棄護理全人的本質,運用同理心及關懷照顧,以達提升個案照護生活品質。


This paper describes the nursing experience of caring for a 44-year-old patient with blurred vision, muscle weakness, and respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation due to sudden GBS. The nursing period was from December 15 to December 25 in 2014. We collected data through observations, physical assessment, and chart review and also conducted a holistic assessment incorporating physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. The health problems included ineffective airway clearance, impaired physical mobility, constipation, and powerlessness. During the nursing process, by applying Watson's caring theory, we provided concern and companionship to encourage the patient, who had limited communication ability, to express inner feelings and needs. Additionally, we, along with the support of the patient's family members, provided the patient with timely physical care and emotional support through interdisciplinary cooperation with the dietitian and physical therapist. The nursing intervention helped the patient effectively relieve physical discomfort, reduce the occurrence of complications, and increase the sense of control over the disease. We would like to share this nursing experience and mutual encouragement that, while caring for such patients with difficult conditions, clinical nurses should bear in mind that caring is the essence of nursing and concern and empathy should be applied to meet basic needs and the feelings of these patients should be valued in the hope of improving their care quality of life.


謝茉莉、許金旺(2014)‧急診醫病溝通的策略‧北市醫學雜誌,11(2),121-128。doi:10.6200/TCMJ. 2014.11.2.01
