  • 期刊

身體構圖(Body Mapping)教材應用於國小六年級健康與體育課程之研究

A Study of Teaching "Health and Physical Education" Field for Six Grade Elementary Students by Appling the Materials of Body Mapping


本研究目的是根據身心學(Somatics)理論,在「身心動作教育」(Somatic Movement Education)課程模式下,以身體構圖(body mapping)的概念,研發與實驗一系列國小六年級學生「健康與體育」領域課程之教材,提供國小學教師健康與體育新教材的參考。研究方法:實際進入台東大學附屬實驗小學的教學現場,選擇六年一班35名學生進行為期7週,每週一次2堂之「身體構圖」的系列課程。以行動研究的精神,採取質性研究方法,透過課程內容的整理、學習單、攝影、訪談、學生心得、觀察員建議與教師反省等,收集相關資料,試驗教材並瞭解學生對教材的反應。研究結果:整理與修正出一系列「身體構圖」教材,提供教師參考;瞭解學生的反應及上課後的學習和改變;並經由教師的反省,提出了具體的建議。


The main focus of this study was to develop a series of practical teaching contents of a new physical education courses called ”Body Mapping”, which applied the idea of Somatics as its theoretical background, and adopt various somatic approaches and physical exercises as its teaching contents. In this action research, the ”body mapping” courses for 6th grade students (N=35) in the elementary school were the main focus. By applying qualitative research methods and following the principles of triangulation, several data were collected during the courses, such as course contents, teachers' field notes, participant observation, video recording, interviews with students, students' written feedback and the discussion between teachers and researcher. All collected data were analyzed systematically in order to have this new curriculum well re-organized for a better revision and proclaim some teaching suggestions.


林慧敏、劉美珠(2019)。健身新趨勢-身心康適(somatic wellness)概念與發展中華體育季刊33(2),61-72。https://doi.org/10.6223/qcpe.201906_33(2).0002
