  • 期刊


Comparisons of Perceived Body Weight, Body Mass Index, Exercise Participate Behavior in Social Physique Anxiety


本研究旨在探討中華大學學生個人背景變項和運動參與行為(運動頻率、運動持續時間)在社會體型焦慮與身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)的差異情形;及社會體型焦慮、運動行為和BMI的相關情 形。參與者共1,435位(男生874位、女生561位),平均年齡為20.17±1.59歲,平均身高為168±8.65公分,平均體重為62.41±14.06公斤,平均BMI為21.99±3.89。根據研究目的,本研究以獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及積差相關進行資料分析,結果發現在社會體型焦慮方面:男生在體型呈現自在高於女生,女生在負面體型評價不安高於男生。不同主觀體重知覺在社會體型焦慮差異方面:體型呈現自在,體重正常組高於體重過組;負面體型呈現不安,體型過重組高於體型正常組和體型過輕組。不同客觀體重參與者在體型呈現不安上的差異方面:BMI過重組的得分高於BMI正常組和BMI過輕組。在各變項之間相關分析得知:體型呈現自在、運動頻率和運動時間有正相關存在。體型呈現自在、負面體型評價不安和運動時間、頻率有正相關存在。體型呈現自在與負面體型評價不安和BMI有負相關存在,與運動頻率、時間有正相關存在。負面體型評價不安與運動頻率、時間有負相關存在。BMI與運動時間、頻率有正相關存在。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of social physique anxiety and BMI (body mass index) in college students' background variation and exercise participating behavior (exercise frequency, exercise duration time); As to the correlations among social physique anxiety, exercise participating behavior and BMI. A total of 1,435 participants (male 874, female 561) mean age 20.17 ±1.59 years old, mean high 168±8.65 cm, mean body weight 62.41±14.06 kg, mean BMI 21.99±3.89. Data analysis by t-test independent, one-way ANOVA and Persons product-moment correlation. The result revealed that, in social physique anxiety, male were higher in physique presentation comfort and female were higher in negative physique evaluation. In different subject perception of body weight participant in social physique anxiety: normal weight group was higher than over weight group in physique presentation comfort and over weight group was higher than normal weight group and under weight group in negative physique evaluation. Different object perception of body weight participant in physique presentation uncomfort: BMI overweight group was higher than normal group and under weight group. By correlation analysis between each variation, there were positive correlation in physique presentation comfort, exercise frequency and exercise duration time. Also positive correlation revealed in physique presentation comfort, negative physique evaluation, exercise frequency and exercise duration time. Physique presentation comfort group was negative correlation with negative physique evaluation, BMI and positive correlation with exercise frequency, exercise duration time. Negative physique evaluation was negative correlation with exercise frequency and exercise duration time. BMI, exercise frequency and exercise duration time were positive correlation.


