  • 期刊


Research on Application of Bibliometric Analysis in Urban Renewal and Reconstruction of Dangerous and Old Buildings(2011-2021)




"Urban Renewal Act" and "Statute for Expediting Reconstruction of Urban Unsafe and Old Buildings" are implementation respectively twenty-four years and five yesrs, domestic experts and scholars have done a lot of research. However, there are very few applications of bibliometric analysis in this field. Therefore, this study intends to apply Bibliometric Analysis to "Urban Renewal" and "Reconstruction of Dangerous and Old Buildings" in order to understand the number of past literature, research focus and direction in this field. The research results show that through the collection of three databases, including Government Research Bulletin, National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan, and Airiti Library, there are a total of 543 documents from 2011 to 2021. From 2017 to 2021, there are 62 articles on the Reconstruction of Dangerous and Old Buildings, and the number of articles has been increasing year by year. In terms of research themes, urban renewal is more "rights transformation, Building bulk ratio bonus, public interests, urban regeneration", and the Reconstruction of Dangerous and Old Buildings is more "Urban Renewal, Reconstruction of Dangerous and Old Buildings, and Building bulk ratio bonus". According to the research role, it can be divided into the government, the implementer, the homeowner, and the overall aspect to be discussed.


中央地質調查所,2018,台北市土壞液化潛勢圖,截取自:https://scitechvista.nat.gov.tw/Article/C000003/detail?ID=068d4147-4410-40e6-8821-706b66a58471,截取時間:2022 年 1 月 17 日。
李世雄,2018,〈影響都市更新事業實施之關鍵因素分析 : 以臺北市中正區某整建住宅都更案為例〉,碩士論文,國立政治大學地政學系碩士在職專班。
