  • 期刊


Constructing a Cross-Regional Network in Contemporary Chinese Daoism: Hong Kong and Macau Daoism's Exchanges with Mainland China from the 1980s to the Present




Since the 1980s, the People's Republic of China (PRC) has been implementing religious policies and support the gradual restoration of Daoist temples and the transmission and development of their religious activities. During the post-Cultural Revolution recovery period, Hong Kong and Macau, two regions that where religious exchanges with mainland China had been interrupted, reconnected with the mainland under the two important historical trends of "reform and opening-up" and "return to China." Some Hong Kong Daoist halls and their members have enthusiastically returned to the Mainland to assist in the rejuvenation of Daoist temples and have built completely new networks of relationship with mainland Daoist communities. The Macau Taoist Association was also established after Macau was returned to China. The Macau Daoist community utilizes this platform to bring about religious transformation and strengthen ties with the mainland. The author previously conducted oral history interviews with some Hong Kong and Macau Daoist leaders who have been active since this earlier period until today. This paper attempts to synthesize these interviews with textual materials to outline the context and history of Hong Kong and Macao's interactions with mainland Chinese Daoism in the past 40 years. The article will explain how the Daoist communities in Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China have re-constructed a brand new model of cross-regional cooperation over decades of interaction, as well as how contact with the mainland Daoist communities have influenced the identities and organizational development of Daoist groups in Hong Kong and Macau.


本刊記者,2001,〈山西綿山舉辦「羅天大醮」法會〉,《中國道教》,2001 年第 2 期,總第 63 期,頁 5-6。
何佩珊,2015,〈故里覓仙蹤,浙港結仙緣〉,《香港文匯報》(香港),2015年 12 月 23 日,東南亞版,頁 6。
吳炳鋕,1999,〈澳門的道教〉,《中國道教》,1999 年第 6 期,總第 54 期,頁32-34。
吳炳鋕,2004,〈澳門的道教科儀〉,《中國道教》,2004 年第 5 期,總第 83期,頁 27-30。
