  • 期刊


The Textual Corpus of the Lanten Yao of Laos: Methodological Issues in the Collection, Cataloguing, Classification and Evaluation of Manuscripts


老撾北部藍靛瑤族(自稱「Mun」)的儀式傳統具有鮮明的道教結構和特徵。自2015年至2020年,在大英圖書館「瀕危檔案計劃」和香港研究資助局的支持下,周思博(Joseba Estévez)將收集而來的2120冊藍靛瑤手抄本在當地進行了數位化處理,並整理成為「藍靛瑤文本遺產數位圖書館」(Digital Library of the Lanten Textual Heritage),這些手抄本大部分是老撾北部琅南塔省的藍靛瑤儀式專家所使用的文本。本文全面介紹老撾藍靛瑤文庫的基本特徵,以及本團隊在文本編目和分類時遇到的問題。除此之外,還討論了創建「參考文庫」(Reference Collection)的評估標準,即如何從這一龐大的文庫中篩選出少量獨特且具有代表性的最佳文本,特別強調了民族誌与文獻研究的平行研究方法對理解文庫結構的重要性。


老撾 藍靛瑤 道教 手抄本 數位圖書館


The ritual tradition of the Lanten Yao (Mun) of northern Laos exhibits marked Daoist structures and features. From 2015-2020, with grants from the British Library Endangered Archives Programme and the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, our research team member Joseba Estévez conducted on-site digitization of a corpus of 2120 texts, consisting of most of the manuscripts in use by the Lanten ritual specialists in Luang Namtha Province, northern Laos. This article presents some of the basic characteristics of this corpus, as well as some of the issues involved in cataloguing and classifying the manuscripts. We discuss the criteria used to select, out of the corpus, a "Reference Collection" of the best versions of a set of unique and representative texts, and highlight the benefits of a parallel textual and ethnographic methodology for understanding the structure of the corpus.


Laos Lanten Yao Daoism manuscripts digital library


吳佳芸,2019,〈各國收藏之瑤族手稿及數位典藏概況〉,《漢學研究通訊》,38:2,頁 18-28。
周思博(Joseba Estévez)著,孫嘉玥譯,2022,〈藍靛瑤手抄本:儀式知識傳承中的法器〉,《華人宗教研究》,19。
郭武,2012,〈牛津大學圖書館藏瑤族道經考述〉,《文獻季刊》,4,頁 140-148。
