  • 期刊


Revision and validation of the Hospice Care Attitude Scale



目的:修訂「安寧療護態度量表」,並進行信效度檢驗。方法:以華人為對象的晚期照護態度調查問卷內容為基礎,再根據相關文獻調整後形成量表初稿,經專家審議及預調查後進行量表修訂;以635名澳門民眾為對象進行量表施測。結果:在進行項目分析及探索性因素分析後,「安寧療護態度量表」提取出「心理層面」、「生理層面」、「社會層面」三個構面,共計11題,累計解釋變異量為58.94%,總體量表之Cronbach's α係數為0.79,各分量表之Cronbach's α係數為0.40至0.78;總量表之重測信度(組內相關係數)為0.94,各分量表為0.74至0.96。結論:此量表具良好信效度,適用於評估華人地區一般民眾對安寧療護態度或晚期照護的看法。


安寧療護 晚期照護 態度量表 信度 效度


Objective: To revise the Hospice Care Attitude Scale and examine its reliability and validity. Method: Referencing literatures based specifically upon the Chinese population, a draft questionnaire measuring the attitude towards hospice care was revised. Having evaluated by an expert panel, a pilot study was conducted to revise the draft questionnaire. A sample of 635 Macao residents completed the Hospice Care Attitude Scale. Result: Item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were conducted, the scale extracted three dimensions, including psychological, biological and social, contains 11 items. The cumulative variance contribution rate was 58.94%, Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the total scale was 0.79, and of the psychological, biological and social subscales were 0.40 to 0.78. The test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient) of the total scale was 0.94, and of the reliabilities of the three subscales were 0.74 to 0.96. Conclusion: The Hospice Care Attitude Scale has good reliability and validity, it can therefore be used to measure the attitude towards hospice care perceived by the general population in Chinese regions.
