  • 期刊


A Study on the Needs of Elder care and rehabilitation center of Hearing Impaired




Purpose of the study: To explore how to deal with the long-term care for the hearing-impaired pension institutions in the face of the impact of hearing-impaired people in an aging society, and use "welfare pluralism" and "Empowerment Theory" Conduct a dialogue between theory and practice. In order to construct the strategy of hearing-impaired aging. Research Methods: Semi-structured Interview Method of Mining Research. Collect first-hand depth data. Analyze and extract. This interview a total of 6 people. The study found: that hearing-impaired children living with their children wished to age at home. Day-care can be structured in the community. Hearing impaired alone, we hope to have a hearing-impaired pension institutions nursing. Conclusions: When the life expectancy of the hearing-impaired continues to increase, the number of people with hearing-impaired aging continues to increase. Apart from the new problems confronting relevant government agencies and hearing-impaired institutions, the aging issue has also challenged the resource allocation and structural adjustment in China's long-term policy. Finally, this study also put forward relevant suggestions and future development direction.


內政部統計處,《107 年第4 週內政統計通報」》,2018 年1 月30 日瀏覽,(統計處),https://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/news_detail.aspx?sn=13366
衛生福利部統計處,《身心障礙者人數按類別及年齡別分》,2018 年1 月30 日瀏覽,(身心障礙者福利),https://dep.mohw.gov.tw/DOS/lp-2976-113.html
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