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U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy and China's South China Sea Policy Development:Also on Regional Military Security Analysis




Since the Second World War, the affairs of almost every country in the world have been influenced by the involvement of the United States. The United States has foreign military headquarters all over the world, and after experiencing the Cold War with the Soviet Union and the anti-terrorism war in the Middle East, it has strongly triggered domestic people's anti-war noise and various protests that polarized the gap between the rich and the poor; the United States itself In addition to hoping to actively revitalize its economic situation through the potential and dynamic economic energy of the Asia-Pacific region, facing the rise of major powers in the region, the United States strongly felt that its position as world hegemony was threatened, so President Obama at that time Immediately promote the "Asia-Pacific rebalancing" policy, hoping to safeguard the national interests of the United States through political, economic, diplomatic and military related comprehensive means. After taking office, US President Trump withdrew from the "Trans-Pacific Partnership" and "INF Treaty", and began to demand that allies in various regions of the world must increase the military spending of US military bases stationed abroad. This uncharacteristic sign has shown that the United States has no longer As before, it has the super economic power to dominate the world. On the other hand, the CCP, since Deng Xiaoping's administration of opening and reform, has been committed to the comprehensive development of the economy. After more than 30 years of development and construction, its economic strength has jumped to the second largest in the world. In recent years, it has been actively building islands and islands in the South China Sea. The militarization of reefs and the full implementation of the "Belt and Road Initiative" policy. Under these circumstances, the United States is proposing an Indo-Pacific strategy and cooperating with Asia-Pacific countries to contain the CCP. The CCP must implement adjustments and revisions in its South China Sea strategy.


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