  • 期刊


The Reflection on the Localization/Globalization of Children's Literature




英文教學 兒童文學


Realizing the importance of local culture, some intellectuals are calling for the emphases of local culture. The reflection on national identity brings about the concept of multi-culture, which is currently heated internationally. Many raise their voice against "globalization"; however few of them are concerned for aboriginal culture, which deserves much attention. Due to the dense population in limited land, how Taiwan stretches out is the current issue. The more international Taiwan becomes, the more benefits we gain. Some .scholars promote that children learn foreign language as soon as possible (especially English) for which makes children have more opportunities to keep in touch with foreign countries, while others think that this good will might cause "cultural deviation." The publishers more or less compete with one another for the market of children's language (English) acquisition. The chaos in the press leaves the parents and children pretty helpless. In order not to sacrifice children's intellectual development, the decision-makers, facing the pressures between self identity and cultural colonialization, have to be calm and capable of making cautious evaluation.
