  • 期刊

我如何成為一個支持女性主義的男人?(a profeminist man)

How Do I Become a Profeminist Man?


This paper discusses the process of the formation of my gender consciousness, which includes six stages: (1) Before my college-as a sissy boy. (2) During my college-the influence of feminist courses I took. (3) Military service-the challenge from traditional masculinity. (4) Studying in Women's and Gender Studies at Rutgers University (1998~2000). (5) Participating a profeminist men's group-New York Men Against Sexism and White Ribbon Campaign in Taiwan. (6) Possibility of profeminist masculinity. As a biological man, I definitely confront with the struggle, plight, and passion in the above process. In the end, I address the possible role that men can play in feminist practice and the possibility of the construction of profeminist masculinity.


