  • 期刊


The Implementation of E-Learning to Nursing Teaching




During rapid growth of information technology and population e-learning seems inevitable to be main trend for education. E-learning improves the learning methods by offering a different way of delivering nursing education. Nursing education helps ensure nursing students acquire skills and knowledge needed to care for patients. Nursing educators are using e-learning to make learning more accessible and efficient. It affords nursing students of all abilities the chance to learn anywhere, at any time and at their own pace. Despite the importance of e-learning in nursing education, implementation of e-learning is facing a number of challenges. Those challenges can be summarized as follows: information technology support; e-learning teaching strategies; design e-learning materials; teachers and students, and technical expertise. This article discusses the course(physical assessment)of using an "e-learning Model" with the principles of the Constructivism, Situated Instruction Theory and Self-determination Theory to enhance the effectiveness of students' learning at the nursing education. The process of designing and developing e-learning course is involved in using a constructive concept of providing digital learning resources, hardware and software specifications and applications (Learning Management System, Interactive Response System, Nursing Information System, and Metiman: High-fidelity patient simulations), standards for interactivity and media, and design learning contents based on learner capabilities. The focus of this article is using e-learning pedagogy and the impact of the e-learning environment on the course of students. The course was designed e-learning, a blended learning delivery method, was created to find an effective option for nursing education.


