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Domesticating Water, Domesticating Persons: The Face-saving Project and Technological Performance of Tap-water Drinking Programs in Taipei




現代性 基礎設施 淨化 信賴


This paper explores the tap-water drinking programs of the Taipei City and argues that they acted as face-saving project in a "latecomer anxiety" atmosphere and need technological performances to ensure trust from citizens. In the 1960s, the Taipei Water Department claimed that the tap-water in Taipei already reached potable water standards, but the turbidity of water was not convincing. In responding to the public’s questioning, the Department maintained that the water was turbid because the end-users had installed inadequate pipes. In the 1980s, the government again initiated the project, and made those sites featuring the face of the nation as their targets, such as schools and tourist hotels. At this stage the government highlighted the needs of replacing pipes directly linked to the end-users, and through counseling programs it aimed to cultivate the citizens as advanced drinking subjects. Tap-water drinking was also renamed as "secure drinking" given this context. Despite all the efforts, citizens still lacked confidence in the quality of the water. During the late-1990s, when the piped water system had been greatly improved, the government began setting up "purifier water supply machines" in public places. It also tried to demonstrate the reliability of the water by publicizing the water quality statistics. Yet given the public’s concerns with hygiene and personal tastes, people still use filter device before drinking tap-water. The authors argue that the case of tap-water drinking programs suggests that domestication of humans and water have to be carried out simultaneously; especially when water tends to become wild again even after domestication, the material aspect constituting the anxiety and reliability during the course of civilizing purification is made obvious.


Modernity Infrastructure Purification Trust


〈作者不詳〉[unknown author]。1967/05/18。〈臺北自來水,都可以生飲:水廠副廠長保證 百分之百的安全〉“Taipei zilaishui, doukeyi shengyin: shuichang fuchangzhang baozheng baifenzhibai de anquan” [Director and Vice Director Guaranteed Tap Water at Taipei City Drinkable],《聯合報》Lian He Bao [United Daily News],二版(Page 2)。
〈作者不詳〉[unknown author]。1967/05/22。〈省環境衛生所說 勿生飲自來水:臺北多數用戶水管錯接 可能使污水管的水吸入〉“Shenghuanjing weishengsuo shuo wushengyin zilaishui: Taipei duoshu yonghu shuiguan jiecuo keneng shi wushuiguan de shui xiru” [Environmental and Health Institution Warned against Drinking Tap Water: Polluted Water might Blend in],《聯合報》Lian He Bao [United Daily News],二版(Page 2)。
〈作者不詳〉[unknown author]。1979/04/19。〈臺北市自來水價格,六月底前絕不調整:許整備指出今夏供水不會短缺〉“Taipei shi zilaishui jiage, liuyuediqian juebu tiaozheng: xu zhengbei zhichu jinxia gongshui buhui duanque” [Price of Tap Water at Taipei City Freezing before the End of June: No Water Shortage This Summer],《聯合報》Lian He Bao [United Daily News],六版(Page 6)。
〈作者不詳〉[unknown author]。1979/10/21。〈自來水生飲,李市長重視:希望提前半年實施〉“Zilaishui shengyin, Li shizhang zhongshi: xiwang tiqian bannian shishi” [Drinkable Tap Water Highly Valued by Mayor Li: Hoping the Project to be Launched 6 Months Earlier],《聯合報》Lian He Bao [United Daily News],七版(Page 7)。
〈作者不詳〉[unknown author]。1979/10/26。〈推展自來水生飲:觀光飯店及學校優先,自來水處已開始準備〉“Tuizhan zilaishui shengyin: guanguang fandian ji xuexiao youxian, zilaishuichu yi kaishi zhunbei” [Promoting Drinkable Tap Water: Tourist Hotel and School being the First Priority],《聯合報》Lian He Bao [United Daily News],七版(Page 7)。
