  • 期刊


Effects of Eye-Acupuncture-Massage and Essential Oil's Application on the Working Memory Capacity and Stress


本研究旨在探討眼部穴位按摩及芳療精油的介入對於工作記憶及減壓效果之影響,研究參與者共39位成人(22.26±1.33歲),隨機分成按摩組及精油組,研究分成二階段進行,第一階段為3分鐘的工作記憶測驗前測,第二階段則包括20分鐘實驗介入,及3分鐘的工作記憶測驗後測,比較參與者的工作記憶表現及減壓效果,前者之研究工具為數字記憶測驗及N-Back測驗(包含低認知程度的2-Back測驗與高認知程度的3-Back測驗),後者則以心率變異度作為評估壓力之工具。研究結果顯示:1.在2-Back測驗得分上,兩組的後測成績皆高於前測。2.二因子變異數分析結果顯示組別與前後測兩項因子對3-Back測驗成績產生交互作用,按摩組之後測得分顯著下降,精油組則顯著上升。3.兩組心率變異之高頻功率(high frequency, HF)前測無顯著差異,但實驗介入後之HF值顯著增加,且按摩組之HF值高於精油組。本研究之結論為:1.一次性的眼部穴位按摩與真正薰衣草精油的介入經過20分鐘的時間醞釀後,在高認知程度的工作記憶(3-Back)上,按摩組表現下降,精油組表現提升。2.在減壓效果方面,二組皆可減輕短期壓力,且按摩組介入效果優於精油組。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of eye-acupuncture-massage and true lavender essential oil on working memory capacity and stress. Thirty nine participants (age: 22.26 ± 1.33 years old) were randomly assigned into two groups: massage and essential oil groups. Participants performed 3 minutes working memory pre-test, which were assessed by digital memory and N-back tests. After completing the working memory tasks, different interventions according to the two groups were carried out for 20 minutes. Finally, participants performed 3 minutes working memory post-test. Besides, mental stress of the participants was inferred from the high frequency (HF) (parasympathetic nerve) of heart rate variability (HRV). The effects of working memory and stress-reducing were tested via 2 (groups) x 2 (pre-, post-test) mixed designed 2-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The significance levels were all set atα= .05. The obtained results were as follows: 1. Both the massage group and essential oil group showed increasing trend in the 2-Back task scores. 2. There was an interaction effect of group and pre-posttest on the 3-Back task, with the decreasing score in the massage group and increasing score in the essential oil group. 3. There were no significant differences between the HF values of the two groups. Both groups led to the increases in the HF values, with the massage's higher than the essential oils. This study concludes that 1. In terms of improving the working memory capacity, the essential oil group benefited more than the massage group did with 20 minutes intervention going through. 2. As to the stress-reducing effect, the massage group was better than the essential oil group.


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