  • 期刊


Retrospection and Re-evaluation on Legal Education in Taiwan: An Analysis from Legal-sociological Perspective


19世紀末日本將近代西方式法制引進台灣,但直到1920年代後期始因殖民政策的轉向,而創設了台灣第一所法學教育機構,傳授以日本法制爲中心的近代法知識,但受教者中台灣人僅佔少數、且幾乎無女性。但於日治晚期,已有不少赴日留學的台灣人成爲法律專業者,且享有很高的社會地位,此有助於法學教育嗣後在台灣的發展。 於戰後,台灣法學教育的學制及講授內容,轉爲以中華民國法爲中心。在長期的軍事統治底下,直到1990年爲止,全台僅有8所法學教育機構,且大多依法典編排架構進行講授式教學,著重於灌輸中國國族主義以及擁護國權、抑制個人自由權利的觀念,不過1970年代後,已出現了應向歐美日本的自由民主看齊的少數說。迥異於日治時期的是,法學教育的受教者已向台灣社會各族群、各階層開放,性別上也從多數爲男性,演變至兩性相當。但由於律師和司法官考試的超低錄取率,大多數法律系所學生並未成爲法律專業者。 在台灣民主化、自由化之後,從1991至2006年的16年間,全台法學教育機構從8家劇增爲37家。雖因強調法治而使法律人才需求增多,律師錄取率也略提高,但是暴增的法律系所學生人數,造成畢業生最終成爲法律專業者的比例再下降,且不少新設法學教育機構的教學品質,實在堪憂。當今台灣法學界對需要改革這一點有共識,但關於改革的目標、如何進行改革等等則莫衷一是。從2005年起,某政治勢力擬強力推銷美式的法學院模式,但在法學界的反彈下,2007年由總統出面表示應停止推動該項改革,一切又回到原點。當務之急應是對台灣法學教育現場做科學性的實證調查,在尚未充分掌握台灣現狀及問題之由來之前,不宜僅依外國之例即提出改革方案。木文認爲,應先確定各種法律相關課程所欲培養的人才種類,再據以檢討因而所需的學生素質與教學內容是什麼,並以「入口雙軌、出口多元」的概念,整頓台灣既有與法學相關的教育機構。


Japan brought modern Western law to Taiwan in the nineteenth century but did not establish an institute for modern legal education in Taiwan until the late 1920s, when the Japanese empire changed her colonial policy toward Taiwan. The legal education in colonial Taiwan focused on the modern laws of prewar Japan, and the number of Taiwanese law students was small. Almost no law student was female then. Nevertheless, some Taiwanese who studied law in metropolitan Japan became legal profession and respected in Taiwanese society. That is beneficial for the development of legal education in Taiwan. After the World War II, legal education in Taiwan changed to follow the model of Republican China. Under the military rule of the Chinese Nationalist government, there were 8 institutions for legal education in Taiwan until 1990, which paid much attention to Chinese nationalism and the authority of state, rather than the right and freedom of individual; however, since the 1970s, a minority of legal scholars in Taiwan advocated the liberal democracy in the West. Unlike in the Japanese era, the legal education became accessible for all ethnic groups and social classes during the 1945-1990 period. In addition, the number of female law students increased and finally almost equaled to that of male law students. Due to the democratization of Taiwan in the 1990s, the number of institute for legal education in Taiwan was 37 in 2006. Because the number of law students increases radically, more law students are unable to become legal profession. Meanwhile, it is doubtful whether the quality of legal education in those institutes which established in and after the 1990s is good or not. Almost all agree to the necessity of certain reform on legal education in the Taiwanese legal community, but it seems that everyone has his or her own idea on the content of reform. In 2005 a politician tried to adopt American law school style, but failed in 2007 because of the strong objection from many institutions for legal educations. In fact, the most important thing for Taiwan's reform upon legal education is to make empirical studies on the current situation of legal education in Taiwan, what kind of problems it has, and the reasons why they exist. It is not wise to submit any reform schedule modeled merely on a foreign country. This author argues that legal education should be provided in under-graduate and graduate level of university for the easy access of general public, and that existing institutions for legal education should be seriously reviewed by the criterion whether they are able to provide necessary curriculums and teachers for the different goal of the students.




