  • 期刊


Enhancing Social Work Practicum Students' Self-Learning Efficacy: Adopting Empowerment Approach in the Internship Program




Social work is a practice-based profession, and the internship program is the core curriculum for cultivating professionals' unity of knowledge and action. With the dramatic changes of the social structure and welfare needs, the core competence of social work professional and workplace has become more and more complex. Enhancing the self-learning efficacy of social work practicum students could help them to develop continuous and deep learning. Meaningfulness, competency and mastery are the main sources of self-learning efficacy, which could also improve the intrinsic motivation of individuals' learning. As current social work internship program faces challenges of lacking of quality and consistent goals, this paper argues that applying empowerment approach in the internship program could enhance self-learning of social work practicum students. This paper also proposes two-stages and six-principles to guide the social work nternship program.


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