  • 學位論文


Current status and Risk of Mainland China's Food in Kinmen

指導教授 : 梁致遠


在政府推動小三通政策之前,金門雖然也有大陸走私食品,但自九十年元月試辦金馬小三通以來,初期並設定「小額貿易除罪化」與「可操之在我部分」為實施的兩個目標,使走私問題更為氾濫,致使大陸生鮮食品、加工食品在金門到處可見。 據「金門縣居民對於生活滿意度民意調查」報告,分析民眾對食品衛生管理滿意度,整體而言受訪民眾對食品衛生表示不滿意者有41.7%,其中非常不滿意的佔9.7%,顯見民眾對食品衛生管理是較不放心的。例如:蔬果檢出農藥殘留;竹笙及金針檢出過量的漂白劑;魚翅檢出過氧化氫殘留;花生及其製品檢出黃麴毒素;蘿蔔乾檢出防腐劑過量;養殖魚類檢出抗生素;蜜餞類檢出甘精…等問題,因與消費者健康息息相關,而受到民眾的關切。本論文主要分為三大部份:大陸食品進入金門地區之管道及市場現況、大陸食品衛生抽檢結果與分析,及建議與討論。 本研究收集九十二年一月至九十四年一月,金門縣衛生局、經濟部標準檢驗局及行政院衛生署藥物食品檢驗局等單位,針對小三通非法走私至金門地區的食品,在當地抽樣357件疑似大陸食品的檢驗報告,本研究採用食品類別及檢驗項目分類,將結果加以分析、歸納及解釋。上述抽驗結果如下:生鮮蔬果類共173件,不合格率3.5%;水產品及其乾製品類共47件,不合格率23.4%;農產(加工)品、園產(加工)品類共107件,不合格率47.7%;其他食品、其他加工食品類共30件,不合格率40%。 本報告之目的,企圖對金門地區大陸食品作全面瞭解,以喚起各界重視非法大陸走私食品對金門地區、甚至台灣本島居民健康之危害。期待中央與地方政府如何儘快協調一套配套機制,使兩岸的商業行為化暗為明,杜絕標示不全甚至有礙衛生安全的走私食品四處流竄,發揮「前置把關」篩檢功能,落實「源頭管理」目標,使大陸食品透過合法申請、透明公開經營商業、謀取利潤,這樣才能真正達到除罪化的政策與目標。 關鍵詞:金門、走私、小三通、危害


金門 走私 小三通 危害


Abstract This study is mainly aimed to concern all the society about whether or not and how much the food that smuggles into Kinmen from Mainland China affect the consumers’ health in Kinmen and Taiwan through comprehensive investigation of the quality of these food. There are three primary sections in this research: the investigation of the ways of transportation and the quality of smuggling food from Mainland China, the analysis of the food quality as well as some suggestions. Through collecting and analyzing 375 pieces of sampling of food in Kinmen which is highly suspiciously smuggled from Mainland China from January in 2003 to January in 2005 in many inspection papers committed respectively by Kinmen County Public Health Bureau, Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, M. O. E. A and Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, R. O. C., it is revealed that, although about 4% of 173 cases of fresh vegetables and a little less than a quarter of 47 cases of seafood and its products are below the standard, there are almost half of the smuggled agricultural food and products fail to pass the examination level and are at high risk of endangering consumer’s health. In the end of this research, it is suggested that the central government and the local administration authorities had better closely work together and negotiate a feasible corresponding mechanism to effectively deal with the smuggled food business across the Taiwan Strait and strictly cramp down on illegal selling of unhealthy food and its product. Through efficiently controlling the food sources at one hand and transforming the illegal food smuggling into legal business under aggressively inspecting food quality in the other hand, we hope that a win-win business can be successfully achieved and the masses’ health can be well protected at the same time. Key Words: Kinmen, smuggling, the“three mini links”, risk


Kinmen smuggling the "three mini links" risk


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