  • 學位論文


The Influence of Mobile Telecommunication Operator’s Smart Phone Marketing Mix and Service Quality on Consumer’s Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 馮遠耀 曹文琴


本研究是針對國內電信系統業者的行銷組合與服務品質對消費者購買意願影響之研究,以二個構念行銷組合(產品、價格、通路、推廣)與服務品質(有形性、可靠性、回應性、保證性、體貼性)為基礎,探討國內電信系統業者在這二個構念上的實際操作對消費者購買智慧型手機產生的購買意願相關程度。本研究採用問卷調查法,調查的對象是針對國內中部地區的中華電信門號使用客戶對智慧型手機的購買意願,是否會受到行銷組合與服務品質二個構念的影響。研究結果顯示: 電信業者智慧型手機的行銷組合產品、價格、通路及推廣對消費者「購買意願」呈正向相關,並有顯著的影響。服務品質的有形性、可靠性、回應力、保証性、體貼性、對消費者「購買意願」呈正向相關,並有顯著的影響。人口統計變數研究如下: (1).使用智慧型手機的性別比例為男性佔53%,女性佔47%,研究顯示其中男性使用智慧型手機的比例比女性高。(2).50.5%的年齡層集中分佈於31~40歲之間,但不會因為年齡層的高低影響智慧型手機的購買意願。(3).46%的教育程度集中在大學/學院,研究顯示消費者的教育程度高低會影響智慧型手機的購買意願。(4).職業中有62.5%的消費者以一般服務業佔比例最高,但並不會因為職業的不同而影響購買智慧型手機的意願。


This study is Influence of Mobile telecommunication Operator’s Smart Phone marketing Mix and Service Quality on Consumer’s Purchase Intention. Reads the marketing combination take two constructions (product, price,place , promotion) with the service quality (tangible, reliability, responsiveness , assurance, empathy) as the foundation. Discusses the domestic telecommunication system entrepreneur the practical operation which reads in these two constructions to purchase the wisdom handset to the consumer to have the purchase wish relevant degree influence. This research uses the questionnaire survey procedure, the investigation object is aims at the domestic middle area the Chinese telecommunication gate number use customer to the wisdom handset's purchase wish.whether to receive the marketing Mix and Service Quality on Consumer’s Purchase Intention two constructions will read.The entrepreneurs wisdom handset “the marketing Mix” “ Consumer’s purchase” wish presents forward related to the consumer, and has the remarkable influence. Moreover,The Telecommunication Operator “the service quality”“the Consumer’s Purchase” wish also assumes forward related to the consumer, and has the remarkable influence. Is as follows in the population statistic variable research: (1).the use wisdom handset's sex proportion accounts for 53% for the male, thefemale accounts for 47%, the demonstration male use wisdom handset's proportion is high.(2).has 50.5% age level centralism to distribute between 31~40 years old, but he age level's height will not affect the wisdom handset's purchase wish.(3).has 46% education level to concentrate in the university/institute, theresearch demonstrated that consumer's education level height will affect the wisdom handset's purchase wish.(4).in the occupation has 62.5% consumers to account for the proportion by the general service industry to be highest, but not different will affect the purchase wisdom handset's wish because of the occupation.


Marketing Mix Service Quality Smart Phone


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2. 日盛投顧市場智慧型手機2010年市場調查報告(2010)。
3. 王文正(2006),產品知識及品牌形象對購買意願的影響產品類別的干擾


