  • 學位論文


The Image Creation of Female Material-Respect Stereotypes in Taiwan’s Society.

指導教授 : 黃庭超


台灣時下傳播媒體經常可以看到名媛、超模的形象報導,報導中無不強調名媛、超模穿戴價值不斐及時尚感的名牌精品。名媛、超模的曼妙外表以及名牌精品所強調的質感與生活品味,基本上都是社會正向價值,但是部分女性卻將穿戴名牌精品視為「社會上流形象」,並將穿戴名牌精品虛榮化及物慾化。部分女性甚至為了滿足名牌虛榮及物慾的追求,在己身無消費能力的情況下,卻以販售自己身體的方式去換取,這種偏差的價值觀屢見不鮮,也經常見諸社會版之報導。 本創作是藉由《物質渴望、販賣肉體》與《同儕間的比較與認同》兩個主題系列進行創作。創作內容則以後列三個方向進行,一、以名牌符號作為視覺元素,呈現女性對名牌慾望無止盡之追求;二、女性對物質的崇拜,不惜用肉體換取;三、將女性對物質崇拜象徵圖案,以身體刺青的方式呈現。藉此表現台灣社會女性過度追求物慾的社會現象。


名媛 超模 名牌精品 物質崇拜


It is common to see some reports of celebutants and super models from the public media in Taiwan. Those reports emphasize that celebutants and super models are dressed in luxury and famous fashion brands and they look pretty. Pretty looks and high qualities of famous fashion brands are positive social values. However, some females believe that dressed in luxury and famous fashion brands represent the image of upper class, which makes them become vain as well as pursue material satisfaction. Some of them may not have sufficient financial supports to satisfy their vanities, and for this reason, they have sex selling to exchange luxuries. This skew value has become more and more common and related situation are often been reported in the public media. This study is the creation of serial drawings in two topics: material desire and sex selling, and the comparison and recognition among the peer. The contents of drawings are followed in three directions. First, the icons of famous fashion brands are used as the visual elements to present female images of endless pursuance for famous fashion brands. Second, present female images of sex selling for their material satisfaction. Third, the body tattoo is employed to present female images of material-respect, which performs the social phenomenon of pursuing material satisfaction excessively for Taiwanese female.


1. 劉思量(1998)《藝術心理學─藝術與創造》,臺北:大塊文化
2. 金榮華(1998)《臺北縣烏來鄉泰雅族民間故事》,臺北:中華民國民間文學學會
3. 巴赫金(2002)《對話與狂歡》,石家莊:河北教育出版社
4. 高宣揚(2002)《流行文化社會學》,臺北:揚智出版
