  • 學位論文


A Study on The Recruitment Marketing Strategies -In case of Volunteer Soldiers of R.O.C. Army

指導教授 : 張廷政


近年來,各國均戮力於「軍事事務革新」,國防部盱衡國、內外情勢,在不影響建軍備戰與國家安全的前提下,為順應國際局勢與民意企盼,於民國92年起開始辦理「志願役士兵」招募,並自民國94年逐年擴大推動「專業志願士兵暨儲備士官」招募工作,規劃將「募徵併行制」朝向「募兵制」轉型,以招募素質高、役期長的優秀人力進入軍隊服役,並預計於民國103年達成全募兵制的目標。 然而國軍在就業市場雖具有起薪較優渥等優勢,但工作時間長,無法享有隨時更換工作的權利及無法兼顧家庭等劣勢,亦影響就業青年進入軍中的意願,因此招募成效有逐年下滑的趨勢,對未來實施全募兵制更是一大隱憂。 本研究旨在運用行銷的觀點,探討現行國軍志願役士兵招募政策,經整理近年來學者對於人才招募與國軍人才招募的相關研究,並參考行銷策略等相關文獻,提出以動機理論為根基,作為修訂志願役士兵服役政策與行銷方向為參據。其次依據所蒐集的文獻,設計問卷,針對目前待業青年或在學學生實施調查,據以瞭解各影響因素的權重與關連。 調查結果,選擇志願役士兵的動機誘因,權重依序為安全需求、生理需求、自我實現需求、尊重需求及社會需求;而現行國軍人才招募的行銷策略,則以招募員與招募活動令人印象深刻,而文宣與廣告的內容則不易讓人感動。 最後建議修定現有招募策略,以提升國軍人才招募成效,讓有志青年瞭解軍人生涯發展及願景,將個人專長與所學相結合,貢獻軍旅,建構新世代精銳國軍。


In recent years, most countries make efforts on "Innovation of Military Affairs," State Defense started to conduct "volunteer soldiersrecruitment” based on public expectation and the requirements of the international situation and considered internal and external situation without affecting the army preparing for and under the premise of national security on 2003. It also expanded to push forward recruitment of professional volunteer soldiers and reserve sergeant year by year. National system planned to transfer from recruiting and conscriptionsystem into a mercenary system. The purpose of this mercenary system is to recruit high quality and long term people serving in the army. The goal of whole mercenary is expected to accomplish on 2014. Although the advantage of army in the job market has a better starting salary than average, but the disadvantages of durative working, unable job changing and unable to take care family would not attract youth joining army, therefore the trend of recruiting has become declining in past few years. It also will become apotential problem for the future implementation of the whole mercenary. Survey results, sequences of incentive motivation for being volunteer soldiers are security needs, physiological needs, self-actualization needs, esteem needs and social needs. Recruiting staff and recruiting activities were attracted people for the current marketing strategies of Military Recruitment, but the content of propaganda and advertising was not touching. Final proposal revisions of existing recruitment strategies to enhance the effectiveness of military personnel recruited for aspiring youth about the military career development and vision. Personal expertise and learned combined into military contribution to construct new generation of elite military.


中華民國102年四年期國防總檢討(Quadrennial Defense Review, The Republic of China.),2013,台北:國防部。
方世榮譯Philip Kolter原著,「行銷管理學」,2000,台北:東華。


