  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship between Smartphone Applications and Consumer Purchase Intention from the Perspective of Service Science

指導教授 : 許呈如


隨著行動通訊科技的發展,以及手機通訊產品製造技術的日新月異,消費者對於手機的選擇性也越來越多樣化,尤其在各行動通訊大廠推出智慧型手機之後,藉由智慧型手機的熱賣也帶動了周邊商品的商機,例如:觸控螢幕、App軟體及行動網路等等,而其中吸引消費者的個人化手機應用軟體之搭配,更為消費者趨之若鶩。因此,若能夠掌握消費者對於App軟體喜好關鍵因素的業者,其未來就能在智慧型手機市場的發展中勝出。 本研究為軟體開發商及手機製造商提供消費者對於App軟體喜好之相關建議,以供其做為開發商品的依據。因此,本研究主要之研究目的在於分析消費者對於App應用軟體各項功能的偏好與服務,同時了解消費者對於App應用軟體販售價格的接受度,以及消費者對於軟體品質的需求程度,並進而探究消費者對於App應用軟體的使用意圖與購買意願之相關性。 本研究以學生與從事服務業的工作者為問卷訪問對象,探究受測者對於智慧型手機應用軟體的使用意圖與購買意願之關聯性。研究發現:(1)使用者最喜愛「通訊類型」的App軟體;(2)消費者對於智慧型手機App軟體的售價普遍接受程度在1.99~3.99(美元);(3)消費者認為App軟體的使用「順暢度」越好越能增加消費者的使用意圖;(4)消費者會因使用意圖而去購買App應用軟體;(5)消費者會因為喜愛使用App應用軟體而去購買相對應的智慧型手機。


Diversified users' selection of smartphones has varied with advanced mobile technology. Mobile technology increased sales of mobile peripheral merchandises such as touchscreen, application softwares, mobile networks, etc. Especially, personalized mobile applications may drive purchase intention of smartphone consumers. Therefore, the winers of smartphone sellers and designers may be challenged in developing personalized mobile applications. The main purpose of this study is to explore the current market that many App software for all types of software preferences, selling price and the demand for software quality in consumers' minds, and to check out the correlation between user behavior and purchase intention. This study designed a questionnaire to explore the association between use intention and purchase intention of measuring for smart phone application softwares. This study found: (1) Communication application software is the most favorite type among all application softwares; (2) Accepted price range for the smart phone application softwares is U.S.$1.99~3.99 ; (3) Application softwares are more user-friendly and then increase the consumer's intention of use; (4) Consumers will buy application softwares for the intention of use; (5) Consumers will buy corresponding smart phones for their specified application softwares.


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林淑芬(2016)。智慧型手機在市場拓展策略之探討-以 H 公司為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00791
