  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Health Tourism Development Policy in Ken-ting, Taiwan

指導教授 : 游明鳳


根據世界衛生組織(WHO) 2001年在日內瓦報告中指出,全球在保健上的消費每年已超過了3兆美元(Chanda,2001)。東南亞國家如:新加坡、馬來西亞、印度等,醫療觀光的發展更是行之有年。反觀國內,2005年由衛生署和交通部以及飯店、旅遊業者共同提出「保健旅遊」,決定以「觀光為主,醫療為輔」的方式,以日本市場為主,推出台灣精緻保健旅遊三年計畫,2005年第一座醫療觀光診所落成,於墾丁地區先行試辦。 本研究採取質性研究,以個案研究的方式對於台灣以墾丁地區發展保健旅遊政策進行比較及分析,採深度訪談之方式,以政策利害關係之業者觀點,瞭解其對政策問題的認知,並對墾丁發展保健旅遊的優劣勢分析,(1)分析墾丁地區是否適合發展保健旅遊(2)分析墾丁醫療觀光所能吸引的目標市場為何(3)探討墾丁目前是否適宜發展醫療觀光。 研究結果發現墾丁適合發展非侵入性保健旅遊,目前無法以國外旅客為主要市場,並依墾丁目前相關設備並不適合發展醫療觀光。在保健旅遊政策綜合效益分析指出,保健旅遊政策無目標之設立,導致資源配置錯誤,相關之政策法令也未落實,即貿然施行政策;也無監督評估機制監測政策施行成效及支出。 最後針對保健旅遊綜合政策問題提出政策解決問題工具及建議,以供未來發展保健旅遊之政策制定及業者參考。


保健旅遊 墾丁 政策評估


According to WHO(World Health Organization)report in 2001, it was estimated that annual global healthcare tourism expenditure was well excess of $3 trillion per annum(Chanda,2001). This is particularly the case for some Asian countries. Countries like Singapore, Thailand and India have utilized healthcare tourism as their tourism development strategy. However, this is not the case in Taiwan. Not until 2005, the Tourism Bureau, Health Bureau, Tour Operators and Hotels were seemly working together to promote “health tourism” in Ken-Ting area. This is scheduled as a three year program and is targeting at Japanese tourists for their primary market. Qualitative research method is employed in this study. In-depth interview technique was used to broadly and deeply evaluate the current situation of developing health tourism in Ken-Ting. And the purpose of this study is to examine if Ken-Ting is appropriate for developing health tourism; to find out who should be the target markets for Ken-Ting; and finally to further analyze if Ken-Ting is suitable to develop medical tourism in the future. The findings are that Ken-Ting is suitable for developing non-invasion health tourism. However, it is not suitable to aim at Japanese tourists and not even mention for foreign tourists. Moreover, Ken-Ting is not suitable for developing medical tourism at the moment. It also reveals that the health tourism development project was put into practice without thoroughly analyze and regulated. And there are no any monitoring systems or organizations to evaluate the process of developing health tourism. To conclude, this study provides feasible suggestions on the problems of developing health tourism in Ken-Ting area, and hope it can provide some in-depth and constructive thinkings to both private and public sectors in the future.


Health tourism Ken-ting Policy Evaluation


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