  • 學位論文


Rethinking Hunting from Body Experience of Bunun Tribe: An Example of the Mingde Village

指導教授 : 陳玉箴


近年來,原住民狩獵為文化傳承與保育動物二主張相互爭論的議題,然而論戰中,布農族獵食文化的內涵,卻鮮為大眾所知。在眾人質疑傳統狩獵文化已變調的同時,卻也忽視了獵食文化對布農族所具有的影響,獵食之使用,難道僅有祭典之用途?過去研究對布農族獵取獸肉的方法、獵肉食用的場合、獵肉的社會功能等已有若干記載,但仍忽略從布農族的角度去理解布農族人如何看待獵食、如何與之互動,又如何形成布農族獵食文化的態度、觀念和信仰。本研究先藉由文獻搜集,統合布農族以往獵食相關習俗及禁忌,再以深度訪談,去瞭解布農族人獵食的身體經驗。 透過夢占、狩獵技能的學習和食用等獵人與獵肉的互動過程,身體經驗成為重要的感知形塑媒介,藉由身體的實際經驗及驗證,獵人對獵物的認知和象徵於是產生、確立。同時,獵人與獵物之互動表現,亦成為同儕、社會團體對此獵人的社會評價投出及形象堆砌。除此之外,布農族人對獵肉的偏好,形成獵肉換工的價值。獵肉在分配、分享與贈與等社會間的互動行為,及分享、互惠原則和社會輿論下,也牽動著社會對獵人、獵物的感知評價。 然而這些感知的形塑,必須在獵食過程的身體經驗基礎上運作,因而更顯出身體經驗過程在布農族獵食文化的重要性。獵食文化不僅包含眾多知識,透過獵食文化的行為經驗,更是布農族人形塑外在事物認知的媒介,對於不斷逝去的布農族文化,仍舊存活的獵食文化,將是傳承布農族文化的一大冀望。


In recent years, indigenous poaching has been a stirred debate between the advocates of cultural inheritance and animal protection. However, the essence of the Indigenous culture of hunting and the way they deal with their games are seldom understood by the public. While the public question the modification of hunting tradition, the influence of hunting culture on Bunun tribe is neglected. Is hunting only existing for sacrificial ceremony? Previous studies have documented the way the Bunun tribe hunts for meat, the place where they eat hunted meat, and the social function of hunting. Nevertheless they failed to examine hunting from the perspective of the Bunun tribe and did not investigate how the hunting culture, attitudes, norms, and beliefs were formed. This study aims to fill this gap and re-examine the hunting culture of Bunun tribe in respect of their physical experiences.Based on literature review, this study first incorporates the customs and taboos related to Bunun hunting activities. Through in-depth interviews, this study attempts to understand Bunun people’s physical hunting experiences from their perspective. Through the interactions, such as dream prophecies, the learning of hunting skills, and eating, physical experiences become a substantial medium of perception formation. According to their physical experiences and examinations, hunters generate and come to form their shared knowledge and symbols of prey. Meanwhile, the interaction between hunters and prey also constitutes the social reflections and image accumulation of hunters from their peers and social communities. In addition, Bunun tribe’s preference towards meat hunting forms the value system which exchanges meat for labor. Under the social interactions, such as distributions, sharing, and gift exchange, and the public emphasis on sharing and exchange, game meat also affects social evaluation of hunters and prey. Nonetheless these perceptions and evaluations formation have to be based on the physical hunting experiences. This further demonstrates the significance of physical experiences in Bunun hunting culture. Hunting culture not only contains multitudes of knowledge, the behavioral experience based on it is also the medium that help Bunun people shape their perceptions about the outside world. With regard to the fading Bunun culture, the remaining hunting culture lies the hope for Bunun culture legacy.


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