  • 學位論文


Optimal Graphic Design and Pricing for Online Stores

指導教授 : 陳彥匡


在網路環境中,電腦屏幕的呈現畫面係網路消費者與虛擬通路商店溝通來往之重要窗口,屏幕畫面的優劣好壞將直接影響消費者的購買意願以及商店之營業獲利。在過去網路商店之相關研究中,電腦屏幕之呈現畫面即屬於網站介面設計(website design)之研究範疇。儘管在產、學兩界皆視其為重要之研究議題,但其研究內容大多只提供基本之規劃原則與建議;詳細、系統化的配置工具卻鮮少有研究再深入探討。有鑑於此,本研究將引用實體商店中的貨架空間配置(shelf space allocation)理論來補足此研究缺口。 貨架空間配置理論,其基礎原理係假設顧客之購物行為受到商品陳列空間所影響,並利用數學規劃模型對商店展示空間作出最佳的展示配置,以達到商店收益的極大化為目標;而本研究參照過往的貨架空間配置模型,利用其中的空間彈性(space elasticities)及價格交叉彈性(price cross elasticities)建構適合網路商店使用的配置模型-GDP模型(graphic design and pricing for an online store, GDP),並藉由效率性的求解工具-基因演算法(genetic algorithm),協助網路商店業者做出最佳的商品圖片配置及價格決策。 在模型效果驗證方面,本研究先利用小範圍的數值範例求解以證明GDP模型的求解合理性,接著再針對問題實施敏感度分析,以找出對商店收益影響較大的待估參數。而後,在實際案例探討方面,本研究探討P公司筆記型電腦頁面配置問題;經由計算實驗的結果顯示,本研究所建構之GDP模型確實具備實際改善商店利潤之效益。為此,在日益競爭的網路購物市場中,本研究建構之GDP模型,不失為一能顯著提升企業競爭力及商店銷售利潤的決策支援作法。


Purpose-The website on which product images are displayed is one of the most important resources in online stores. This study aims to develop a model that jointly optimizes a online retailer’s decisions for display areas of product images, display location of product images and product prices. Design/methodology/approach-Unlike previous studies usually provide roughly suggestions of allocation, this study use shelf space allocation theory to model precisely decisions of allocation. Furthermore, we adopt space elasticities and price cross elasticities to formulate the website design and item allocation problem with the objective of maximizing the online retailer’s profit. To solve the model, genetic algorithms are proposed in our research. Findings-For our numerical analysis and the case study, we solve the small-scale problems and large-scale problems to prove the model for validity. As a result, the model will significantly increase the online retailer’s profit. Originality/value- The increasingly competitive online environment, the growing need for operational efficiencies are therefore forcing online retailers to develop efficient decision support systems for the website design. This study proposals the model that offers online retailers opportunities for more efficient and profitable website management.


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