  • 學位論文


Applying Data Mining to Analyze User Behavior Based on CRM and KM for Yunlin County Government



雲林縣政府於2004年開始陸續推動知識管理系統,提供文件儲存與檢索、電子表單、公告系統等功能。雖然資訊系統大部份都會留存使用行為紀錄,然而針對雲林縣政府機關推動知識管理系統,分析使用者的背景資料卻很少,因此本研究整合Proxy紀錄檔與員工資料檔,以發掘知識,提供擬訂相關知識管理推動政策。 本研究的主要貢獻在於首次整合分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)與顧客生命期價值(Customer lifetime value, CLV),評估雲林縣政府內使用知識管理系統的員工。本研究利用K-means Algorithm及Decision Tree Algorithm分析員工,並提供雲林縣政府擬定新的知識管理策略,例如擬定一整套的知識管理系統訓練課程。




Since 2004, The Yunlin County Government in Taiwan starts to use a knowledge management system for document retrieval, electronic form and announcement systems etc. Most of the information systems can offer the user behavior by analyzing user logs. However, the knowledge management system in Yunlin County Government does not provide Yunlin County Government with the results to simultaneously analyze the user background data and user logs. Therefore, the research employs data mining techniques to analyze proxy server records and employee's data and then discovers the knowledge of employee behavior for using the system. As a result, managers of the Government can refer the results to make appropriate knowledge management policies for the employee in the Government. This research proposes a novel technique which simultaneously employs the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) to specify the staff who frequently use the system in Yunlin County Government. By using the K-means algorithm and the Decision Tree algorithm, a predict model can be obtained for estimating the level of new staffs. The results can help Yunlin County Government to design the new knowledge management policy for them. For example, a package of training courses on using knowledge management system.




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