  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship Among Transformation and Upgrading Strategy, Organization Values and New Department

指導教授 : 蔡璞


近年來,我國企業在國際化與產業激烈競爭的環境壓力之下急思轉型、升級之道。然許多企業在轉型、升級的過程中往往躊躇於是否成立新部門專事轉型或升級,或者將轉型、升級的大纛交由原部門進行而煩惱不已。The Innovator's Dilemma (創新者的兩難)的作者指出市場主流價值網路為企業創新與產業變遷的關鍵因素,企業通常會選擇執行符合主流價值的決策,對於與主流價值抵觸的方案,則往往束之高閣;因此作者建議企業如欲執行的方案與組織主流價值相違背則必須另行成立新部門。目前關於轉型與升級方面的探討多偏重於理論面的陳述,且多數的文獻皆將轉型與升級的概念混用,對企業實務的指導性不足。有鑑於此,本研究首先在學理上釐清轉型與升級的意涵,其次以個案深入訪談的方式,探討企業在實際執行轉型與升級的策略時,是否觸及到組織價值觀的衝突與改變,並以成立新部門的方式解決之。本研究結果證實:在所研究的個案中,如企業採行轉型策略時,則會與原組織或部門價值觀產生衝突,為了避免價值觀衝突,企業在執行轉型策略時會成立新部門以為因應;如企業採行升級策略時,則與原組織或部門價值觀相符合,未產生價值觀的衝突,因此由管理原則決定是否成立新部門;但五個個案實證的結果顯示,企業較傾向以舊部門執行升級策略。


企業策略 轉型 升級 組織價值觀


In an increasingly competitive and globalized business environment, Taiwanese companies are in search for strategic transformation and upgrading. However, whether to establish a formal and new department as the ‘change agent’ troubles many of the companies. In his The Innovator's Dilemma (Christensen,1997), Prof. Christensen points out that the incumbent value network in market is a key factor in corporate innovation and industrial change. Companies are likely to execute the decisions that conform with mainstream value but ignore the propositions that conflict with the established value. To breakthrough in technological innovation, a new department may be necessary to carry out such strategic transformation. Reviewing the line of discussion between strategic transformation and organizational value, current studies in corporate change in Taiwanese companies mostly mix ‘transformation’ with ‘upgrading’ that would limit their application in guiding business practices. This empirical study first clarifies the two concepts along with their practical implications; then through in-depth interviews are conducted in five companies to verify if a new department is established to resolve conflict in organizational value. The study confirms that strategic transformation in company would conflict with organizational value; and a new department is established. On the other hand, upgrading strategy usually conform with existing organizational value with less demand for a new department. In both cases, the top management intends to carry out upgrading strategy through existing managerial arrangements.


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