  • 學位論文


Web-based Symbolic-assisted Dimensional Synthesis System of Pin Jointed Linkage Mechanism using Genetic Algorithms

指導教授 : 嚴家銘


在本篇文章提出一套結合數學軟體Maxima與網際運算平台之符號輔助連桿機構合成系統,使用三角幾何疊代出節點座標位移方程式,再由實數基因演算法 (Real-coded Genetic Algorithms, RGA) 搜尋軸接之任意多連桿機構尺寸,以解決路徑生成 (Path Generation) 問題。 首先工程師能夠在網際工作平台推導幾何數學公式,並在雲端轉換成為幾何位置關係式,再由客戶或業務員透過畫布 (Canvas) 進行機構需求設計,由伺服端接收任務開始進行 RGA 演算搜尋,最後以郵件通知完成並展示動畫及收斂結果。


Maxima RGA 尺寸合成 連桿機構


In this research a web-based symbolically assisted dimensional synthesis system of the planar pin jointed multi-link mechanism is presented. Triangular geometric unit is used iteratively to calculate the node coordinates of the linkage system. Real-coded Genetic Algorithms are used to search for the optimal solution of the path generation problem of linkage which can consist of any number of planar pin jointed links. Systematic formulation of the linkage analysis will be enabled according to the user's planar linkage configuration which can be input directly on the web browser canvas area. Once the system definition is completed, all relevant equations can be derived and executed automatically. Email will be sent to the user for examination of the resulting animation and convergences results.


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李孟恭(2015)。Django 網際框架在平面四連桿尺寸合成系統上的應用〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6827/NFU.2015.00002
