  • 學位論文


Effect of Different LED Spectrum on Asparagus Yield

指導教授 : 羅朝村


蘆筍屬天門冬科,天門冬屬之多年生草本植物,又名石刁柏。因其具有極高營養成分,如:安素百樂素、皂苷、蘆丁、硒元素等物質,故世界各國都將其視為高級食材;聯合國食品法典委員會更推薦為高抗氧化食物前三名。蘆筍除了嫩筍可食用外,其根系、枝葉都各具有其機能性,都可加工利用,可說是全株皆具產業價值。 蘆筍真葉接近退化,行光合作用的是擬葉,成針狀,細而長;就多年來統計觀察,在簡易設施內,一旦氣候變異,日照光強度不足,尤其是陰雨天,只要連續3天以上就可減少20%產量;若連續7天以上則產量更驟降30%以上,品質等級亦降低1~2級,整體產值嚴重時則降為正常值1/4。因此本文擬探討光強度對蘆筍產量影響,主要為利用LED光補償技術投入來確認是否可減少產量損失,並提高產品商業價值。結果顯示處理白光/自然光可增加之重量3.1%,藍光/自然光可增加之重量9.9%;紅光/自然光可增加之重量10.2%;紅藍光/自然光則可增加之重量15.1%。綜合資料顯示增加光照與強度,可增加蘆筍產量。


Asparagus, a flowering perennial plant species in the genus Asparagus. Since the high nutritional ingredients of asparagus, such as: Ansul Tupper prime, saponins, rutin, selenium and other substances, asparagus are usually regarded as high quality ingredients all over the world. Codex Alimentarius Commission even recommends asparagus as the top three high antioxidant foods. In particular, not only the young asparagus shoots, but also its roots, leaves and branches can be processed and utilized, which means the whole plant has industrial value. The leaves, which performs photosynthesis, are in fact needle-like cladodes (modified stems) in the axils of scale leaves. On statistical observation over the years, in a simple facility, once it turns into rainy day and lacks of light intensity for 3 days, asparagus yield diminishes more than 20%, and diminishes more than 30% for 7 days. At the same time, the quality classification get 1-2 level worse, and overall output dropped a quarter of normal time. When the asparagus was treated by different light wavelenght ,white / natural light increases its weight is 3.1% as compared with untreated light. Blue / natural light increases its weight is 9.9%. Red / natural light increases its weight is 10.2%. Blue and red / natural light increase its weight is 15.1%. To get all data together, increase the light and strength will be increase the yield of asparagus.


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