  • 學位論文


Brainwave and Decision to Queue - A Case Study of Starbucks

指導教授 : 梁直青


隨著金融、保險市場的開放,台灣服務業逐漸崛起,從2007開始服務業佔國內生產毛額(GDP)比例每年皆達60%以上,為台灣國內產值主要行業別,亦表示服務業在台灣具有舉足輕重的地位。然而,消費者在享受服務的同時,最常遇到的問題就是「排隊(等待)」,以虎尾星巴克為例:從2014年1月20日開幕後,至今排隊人潮依舊不減,不含特惠日虎尾門市仍有約70%營業時間櫃檯前都有排隊人潮,據此,本研究將採實驗室實驗法模擬虎尾門市消費情境,並透過時間因子與人數因子干擾以瞭解消費者於「是否加入排隊時」之腦波變化。   此外,五大人格特質為廣泛應用於心理學界與企業,用以瞭解該受測者為何種特質,並進一步針對其心理創傷治療或分派其工作,而過往學者亦發現不同人格特質對於腦波波型具有影響,亦會根據不同大腦區域而有不同變化,因此,本研究亦將探討五大人格特質與腦波之影響。本研究共招募40位受測者參與實驗,有效樣本為33位,依據收集而來之數據資料進行敘述性統計分析、信度檢定、羅吉斯迴歸與變異數分析。研究結果顯示,腦波專注程度對於決策部分顯著影響;人格特質對於腦波專注程度無顯著影響。本研究並發現到店家若希望顧客留下等待,可以選擇告知消費者需「等待時間」而非告知需「等待人數」,且較不適合告訴消費者「20分鐘」與「24分鐘」此兩等待時間;然而,若店家不希望顧客留下等待,則可以試著告訴消費者需「等待人數」,且告知「10個人、20個人、23個人及24個人」此四種等待人數,消費者較容易陷入專注思考,且選擇不繼續等待之機率較高。


With the openness of financial and insurance markets, as well as the rise of the service industry in Taiwan, the service industry has accounted for at least 60% of GDP since 2007, and become a main industry in the output value of Taiwan. In other words, the service industry plays an important role in Taiwan. However, while enjoying services, consumers often encounter the problem of “queuing (waiting)”. Taking the Starbuck in Huwei as an example, the number of queuing people has never declined since the store opened on January 20, 2014. During special promotion days, there would be queuing people for about 70% of the service hours. Therefore, this study adopted laboratory experimentation to simulate the queue of people waiting at the Starbuck in Huwei, and observes the brainwaves of consumers facing “whether to join the queue” according to two factors, time and number of people. Additionally, the Big Five is widely applied in psychology and enterprises to gain information regarding the personalities of the subjects, treat their psychological trauma, or arrange tasks for them. Previous studies have shown that different personality traits would affect the forms of brainwaves, which vary according to the different brain areas. Therefore, this study also analyzes the influence of the Big Five on brainwaves. This study recruited 40 subjects, among the 33 valid samples. Then we used descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, logistic regression, and ANOVA testing to test the hypotheses. After the test, as based on logistic regression and ANOVA, “H1: Concentration significantly influences the decision on queuing” was significant, while “H2: Different personalities significantly influence concentration.” was not. We found that it is suggested that store owners can choose to inform consumers of the necessary “waiting time” instead of “the number of queuing people” if they want to keep the customers waiting. Moreover, it is inappropriate to inform consumers of the waiting time, either “20 minutes” or “24 minutes”. However, if store owners do not want to keep customers waiting, they can try informing consumers of “the number of queuing people” with one of the following numbers – 10, 20, 23, and 24, as the numbers are more likely to drive consumers to consider with concentration, and not to continue waiting.


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