  • 學位論文


Modeling Organizational Knowledge: A Perspective of Decision Experiences

指導教授 : 吳傳春


知識的型態繁多,在知識管理部份通常都會涉及到知識的建立、標準化、散佈、取得、採用及評估。然而,知識本身的結構幾乎也不為人知,也因此阻礙了知識的散佈、取得及採用。一項知識被建立了,但若是無法方便被人們分享使用,則這個知識的價值將會大打折扣。 本研究所探討的知識型態是組織的決策經驗,係透過設計及開發一個以網頁方式來呈現的模式,稱之為組織決策經驗模式(Organizational Decision Experiences Model, ODEM),利用分解及重組的策略,將組織的決策經驗分解後加以儲存;再利用重組方式來還原與組成一份組織決策,利用這種方式來幫助組織決策經驗的散佈、取得及採用。


Many approaches to managing various types of knowledge have been introduced to support knowledge creation, standardization, distribution, acquisition, adoption, and evaluation when knowledge management is concerned with. However, the structure of knowledge itself is hardly ever disclosed, and thus may impede the distribution, acquisition, and adoption. Organizational memory reflects the decision experiences, and therefore is regarded as one of the important knowledge resources. By focusing on the decision that has been learned, this research designed and developed an Organizational Decision Experiences Model (ODEM) that adopts a strategy of decision decomposition and reorganization to facilitate the distribution, acquisition, and adoption for organizational decision memories. A web-based system developed to demonstrate the introduced ODEM is presented and supported by an example.


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