  • 學位論文

消費者生活型態、品牌知覺與購買動機關聯性之研究- 以台灣汽車產業為例

The Study of the relationship between Consumer’s Lifestyle, Brand Awareness and Purchase Motivation-Using Car industry in Taiwan area as an Example

指導教授 : 王全裕


隨著國民生活水準的不斷提升,台灣的人民對於生活的品質愈來愈重視,生活型態也大幅地改變。品牌對消費者及業者各有其不同的意義。對消費者而言,在許多不同的產品中作購買的決策是非常耗費時間的,而品牌是藉以辨認產品最簡便的方法,不但提供消費者釵h有關產品的資訊,亦有助於消費者對不同品牌的產品做比較,減少挑選比較的時間,且可幫助消費者重複購買。 本研究對象為台灣地區汽車購買決策者,本研究收集1059份問卷資料,本研究以台灣分為北部、中部、南部和東部,依各個地區的小客車登記數依其比率來分配其問卷數。本研究問卷調查將資料回收後,本研究以SPSS(Statistic Package for the Social Science)for windows 14.0進行統計分析。先以敘述統計分析後,再做因素分析,將因素命名,接著利用信度分析,測量量表的可靠度,再來利用t檢定和變異數分析測量人口統計變項分別對生活型態、品牌知覺和購買動機的影響,最後利用多元迴歸分析測量生活型態和品牌知覺對購買動機影響。 研究結果顯示,不同的人口統計變項對於生活型態、品牌知覺與購買動機皆有部份的顯著影響,另外一方面,生活型態對於購買動機亦有部份顯著的影響,而品牌知覺對於購買動機也有顯著的影響進而推論出結論與建議。


With the living standard is moving up. Taiwan people are more and more emphasis of their living standard, and the lifestyle is change a lot. Brand about customer and company have different meaning. For customers, make a decision-making to buy many kind of product is waste time, but brand is a simple method to decipher product, not only provide many information of products for customers, but also help customer to compare product of different brand, reducing time of choosing and comparing. Help customer to duplicate purchase. The target of this study are customers have decision-making on purchasing of Taiwan area. The data of this study collection and obtained 1059 samples. This study divided Taiwan into north part, middle part, southern part and eastern part. And stand on the ratio of registered vehicle of every part to distribute the questionnaires. After collection the data of this study. The data of this study will be run by the SPSS 14.0 to analyze. First, with descriptive statistics analysis, and with factor analysis and define the factor, and with reliability analysis to test the scale is reliable. With t-test and one-way ANOVA to measure the affect dividedly that population statistics variable to lifestyle, brand awareness and purchasing motivation. At last, use multiple regression statistics to measure lifestyle and brand awareness affect to purchasing motivation. The result of this study displayed, different population statistics variable have the part significance influence to lifestyle, brand awareness and purchasing motivation. On the other hand, lifestyles have the part significance influence to purchasing motivation, and brand awareness have the part significance influence to purchasing motivation, and deduced the conclusion and suggestion.


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