  • 學位論文


A Study on Using Supplement Behavior of Pregnant Women in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳怡君


懷孕期間營養素缺乏會對孕婦造成懷孕不良的結果,甚至會影響胎兒的發育及成年期的健康情形。因此行政院衛生福利部公佈的國人膳食營養素參考攝取量(Dietary Reference Intakes,DRIs)建議懷孕期間熱量、蛋白質及部份維生素、礦物質的攝取都需增加。此外,近年來國人對營養補充品的需求與日俱增,已成為國人日常生活之必需品,作為部分營養素的攝取來源之ㄧ,尤其以營養需求增加的懷孕婦女更依賴營養補充品的使用。但針對台灣育齡婦女之調查結果顯示營養狀況仍有部份較為缺乏。在營養品使用盛行的環境下,國內孕婦仍然處於部分營養不足的狀態,面對各種的營養補充品,懷孕婦女是否能在正確的補充觀念下使用適當的商品是值得被探討的,因此本研究目的在於欲探討大台北地區懷孕婦女使用營養品行為之影響:懷孕婦女營養品使用現況,以及使用行為與「人口學背景」、「飲食狀況」、「孕期身體不適狀況」及「危機意識程度」之間的關係。 本研究對象為大台北地區18~45歲懷孕婦女,採便利抽樣的方式,配合媽媽奶粉公司於大台北地區舉辦之媽媽教室進行問卷調查,排除營養補充品使用頻率未填寫完整者、嚴重漏答者、未簽署受訪者同意書者,總共回收有效問卷1120份。以SPSS19.0版軟體利用描述性統計、卡方檢定及次序邏輯斯迴歸進行分析。 結果顯示大台北地區的懷孕受訪者使用營養補充品的比例為96.3%,平均每人使用過2.5種營養補充品,而其中最見的前三類別依序為綜合維生素礦物質、媽媽奶粉及魚油,且約有9成受訪者則為了補充營養、改善孕期不適、改善體質而使用營養補充品。而教育程度較高、家庭月收入較中及高、孕前有使用營養補充品的經驗、孕程後期、危機意識高、有來自親友及專業醫護人員推薦,懷孕婦女使用2種以上不同類別的補充品機率越高。此研究結果將可提供學術與業界之相關單位於擬訂孕婦營養政策時作為參考。


孕婦 營養補充品


Nutrition deficiency during pregnancy may result in negative pregnancy outcomes, and even affect the growth of the infant and the development in the adulthood. Therefore, the DRIs (Dietary Reference Intakes) published by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) suggests that the intake of calorie, protein, certain vitamins and minerals during pregnancy should be increased. Meanwhile, the needs for dietary supplements are increasing and these have become the everyday necessasities in our country as one of the sources for part of the nutrition, especially for women in pregnancy. However, the study shows that there is still partial nutrition shortage for women in Taiwan. Even in this environment which the dietary supplement usage is common, the pregnant women still suffer from partial nutrition insufficiency. With all these various dietary supplement, whether the pregnant women can adopt proper dietary supplement based on correct knowledge is a topic worthwhile discussing. Therefore, this papper is to discuss the effect of dietary supplement usage by pregnant women in Taipei area, including the current usage survey and the relationship between the demography background, dietary usage, physical illness during pregnancy and crisis consciousness. The subjects of this study are 18~45 years old who live in Taipei area. The subjects are convenience samples in the promotion programs held by infant & baby food company, and the data is collected through questionnaires. The data is filtered to eliminate those with incomplete answers, no answers and no signature on agreement. Totally, there are 1120 valid questionnaires collected from 30th October 2012 to 30th April 2013. Statistics data are analyzed with SPSS 19.0; staticstical methos (including descriptive statistics , Chi-square test, ordianl logistic regression analyses) are applied to analyze the factors of dietary supplement usage, such as subjects’s demography background, dietary usage, physical condition and crisis consciousness The result shows that 96.3% of the subjects in Taipei area take dietary supplements, and they use 2.5 different types in average. Most of them use more than 2 types, and the 3 most commonly used aree multi-Vitamin and minerals, milk power for mothers and fish oil. Supplements packaged in capsules are almost taken everyday, and the ones in fluid are taken less than once every week. The reasons to take these products are mainly for dietary supplementing purpose except that probiotics are taken to improve the body condition. The reasons not to take the supplements are: inconvience to take for multi-Vitamin, effectiveness concern for probiotics, and bad taste or flavor for other types. Through ordianl logistic regression analyses, it is found that the the subjects matches the following descriptions are more likely to take more than 2 dietary supplements: 31~35 yeas old, had experience with dietary supplement before pregnancy, at 3rd stages of the pregnancy, had suffered illness during pregnancy, crisis consciousness is above middle level.


pregnant supplements


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