  • 學位論文


Epidemiology and molecular identification of Anisakidae from marine fish of Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 李俊德


海水魚類感染寄生蟲會引起魚病影響魚群生態,也可能因為人類食用受感染的海魚,使寄生蟲進入人體引起疾病。海獸胃線蟲(Anisakis)是一種在海洋中魚類和頭足類動物中常見的寄生蟲,人類因食入具有感染能力的第三期幼蟲(larvae stage Ш, L3)而引起海獸胃線蟲症(anisakiasis)。由於海獸胃線蟲科內的寄生蟲種類眾多,其感染情形會因蟲種及宿主種類而有所不同,為了瞭解海水魚類與海獸胃線蟲科幼蟲種類間的相關性,本研究調查台灣南部海魚海獸胃線蟲幼蟲的感染狀況,並以分子生物學方法進行海獸胃線蟲科寄生蟲的分類。 自2012年4月至2013年3月間在高雄市三民區市場購買白帶魚(Trichiurus lepturus)、赤鯮(Dentex hypselosomus)、鐵甲(Megalaspis cordyla)、白腹鯖(Scomber japonicas)、竹筴魚(Trachurus japonicas)及黑口(Atrobucca nibe)等5科6種432隻常見的市售經濟性海水魚樣本進行調查,結果顯示受海獸胃線蟲科線蟲感染的魚隻有308隻,一共採集到7251條海獸胃線蟲,盛行率(prevalence)為71.3%、平均密度( mean intensity)為23.5條、豐富度(abundance)為16.8條。採集到的海獸胃線蟲科幼蟲可分為6屬,其中海獸胃線蟲屬下還可區分出5種,這些幼蟲於魚體內多分布在生殖器官、腸繫膜及幽門垂,多為自由活動的狀態。而在為期十二月的調查中發現,盛行率不會受季節變化影響,但冬季(11~1月)的平均密度和豐富度較高(p<0.05)。 由本實驗結果顯示台灣市售海魚所感染的海獸胃線蟲以Anisakis pegreffii和Anisakis typica為主,而魚類方面以白帶魚的平均密度最高,白腹鯖的盛行率最低。




Marine fish parasites can cause fish diseases affecting fishing ecology, and human may infected by consumption infected fish then cause parasitic disease. Anisakis is a f common parasite in fish and cephalopods, humans infected because of ingestion of the third stage larvae caused anisakiasis . Anisakidae have many subfamilies, the syndrome relative to subfamilies and host species.In order to understand the relevance of marine fish and Anisakidae families, this study investigated the fish from southern sea area of Taiwan and sort all collected worms by PCR-RFLP. Since April 2012 to March 2013 ,marine fish baught from Kaohsiung City Market include Trichiurus lepturus, Dentex hypselosomus, Megalaspis cordyla, Scomber japonicas, Trachurus japonica and Atrobucca nibe total five Division 6 kinds of 432 common commercial marine fish samples surveyed.Data showed that 308 fish infected and 7251 Anisakidae collected. The prevalence was 71.3%,and mean intensity, abundance was 23.5 and 16.8 per fish,respectively. Collected worms can be divided into six genera and further indentified to five kinds.Worms all found in the reproductive organs, mesenteric and pyloric caeca. In the period of the survey about a year found that the average density and abundance higher between November to January(p <0.05).Prevalence is not affected by season.




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