  • 學位論文

《Man and Boy》中譯與譯評

The Translation and Commentary of "Man and Boy"

指導教授 : 李憲榮


本論文旨在彙整筆者翻譯英國作家東尼•帕森斯(Tony Parsons)所著《男人與男孩》(Man and Boy)一書的心得,並藉由分析筆者翻譯過程中所運用的翻譯理論與策略,來探討構成「好的翻譯」的可能要素。 本論文內容共分六章。第一章為緒論,說明筆者進行本論文研究之動機與目的。第二章為作者與原著介紹,簡介作者生平、本書內容,以及書評。第三章為翻譯流程,說明筆者翻譯本書之前置準備,以及進行翻譯表達及潤飾的標準。第四章為《男人與男孩》第一頁至第一百頁之譯文。第五章為翻譯實務探討,包括筆者在翻譯過程中應用到的翻譯技巧總整理,以及將筆者的譯文與陳亮希先生翻譯、出版的中文版做比較。第六章為結論,以前五章內容為基礎,提出筆者翻譯本書之心得,同時針對筆者在研究目的所提出的「何謂好的翻譯」進行解答。 筆者盼能透過此論文,提供翻譯同好們一個重新審視翻譯工作的機會,了解譯文使用者的需求,進而能提升譯文的可讀性及品質。


The objective of this study is to present this author’s translation of the book Man and Boy, written by Tony Parsons, to discuss the techniques used in translating the book, and to explore some possible elements to form “good translation.” The thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter introduces the author’s research motivations and goals. The second chapter introduces the book Man and Boy, its author Tony Parsons, and provides a brief book review. The third chapter describes the author’s translation plans, including the preparation before translation, the comprehension and interpretation process, and the translation principles and strategies. The fourth chapter is the Chinese translation of Man and Boy from page one to page one hundred. The fifth chapter organizes the skills and theories applied during the translation of Man and Boy and offers a comparison between the author’s translation and the formally published Chinese version by Mr. Chen, Liang-xi. The concluding chapter, chapter six, provides some opinions and suggestions based on the author’s studies and offers a proper definition of “good translation.” It is hoped that the ideas and strategies introduced in this study could provide a chance for translators to think about the purpose of translation and to understand the needs of the target readers so that the readability and equality of translation works could be further improved.


Man and Boy good translation


Dictionary of English slang and colloquialisms of the UK. 2007. Ted Duckworth. http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/index.htm
Jeremy Munday (2001), Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications, London: Routledge.


林佳吟(2014)。《Second Chance》的翻譯及譯評〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2014.00179
