  • 學位論文


Survey of occupational injury and related factors among students in affiliated high schools

指導教授 : 李素幸
共同指導教授 : 宋瑩珠


據估計目前高中職附設進修學校半工半讀之學生約占學生人數的五分之三,這些學生因為學歷不佳,是屬於職場工作上較弱勢的一群。近年來景氣低迷,半工半讀的學生人數有增多之趨勢,有必要對於高中職附設進修學校學生在職場上的安全與健康作進一步的評估。本研究藉由問卷調查的方式,探討這些學生的工作型態、職業傷害及虛驚事故的發生。本研究以臺南縣市地區的高中職附設進修學校的學生為研究群體進行橫斷研究調查,以立意取樣調查七所學校1050位學生,共回收1001份有效問卷。問卷內容包括工作型態、職業傷害及虛驚事故、健康狀況及個人基本資料,並利用SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析。 研究結果顯示,研究對象中有五分之四的學生是在工作職場上效力。所從事的行業別分別為高居第一的餐飲及住宿類,占33%,其次為27%的製造業;工作職務別則是以36%的服務人員居冠,31%的技術性人員位居第二。在過去一年內有459位(58%)的研究對象因工作關係而受傷,其中發生一次職業傷害的研究對象占了39%。由最近一次的職業傷害事件來看,459人中,有12%的人需要休息一日以上才能繼續工作,另有72%的人在擦藥後可以繼續工作;受傷類型以高達47%的切、割及擦傷型態高居第一位,而受傷部位則是以占32.2%的手指為首。在過去一年內有358位(44%)的研究對象曾經在工作中發生過虛驚事故,事故類型及部位也是分別以20.2%的切、割及擦傷的型態及和17.76%的手指部位高居第一位。 以多因子分析探討個人及工作因素與職業傷害之相關性,結果顯示工作壓 力、婚姻狀態、工作性質、行業、工作環境會過熱、工作環境有二手菸暴露及疲勞等因素與職業傷害具顯著相關性。 本族群調查顯示,有職業傷害之進修學校學生比例超過半數,且工讀狀態學生居多數,而職場上提供之教育訓練明顯偏低,因此進修學校及相關單位應針對與進修學校學生職業傷害有關的危險因子進行訓練及輔導。


Abstract According to recent researches, three-fifths of students in the Affiliated Schools of Senior High Schools hold part-time jobs. Those students are usually considered less-privileged due to their poor academic performance at schools. Since Taiwan has suffered from economic recession for several years, thus, further study on those students’ safety and health is indispensable. This study was conducted with the approach of questionnaires, aiming to get a better understanding of those students’ jobs, occupational injuries and nearmiss events. This study chose one thousand and fifty students as subjects from seven Affiliated Schools in Tainan city and Tainan county. The questionnaires mainly include questions concerning the nature of the subjects’ jobs, occupational injuries, nearmiss events, subjects’ health conditions and personal profiles. SPSS was used to analyze the data after collecting one thousand and one copies of valid questionnaires. This study reveals that four-fifths of the subjects were involved in the job market nowadays. Among those subjects with part-time jobs, most of them (33%) take jobs in the restaurants and accommodation industry, following that are those in manufacturing industry (27%). In addition, when it comes to the position the subjects hold in their jobs, 36% of them relate themselves with customer service businesses and 31% of them technical businesses. In the past year, 459 subjects ( around 58%) were injured at work, among whom 39% injured themselves for the first time. For those forementioned 459 subjects, 12% had to take one-day sick leave before they went back to work, and 72% could go on with their work after getting brief medical treatment. As for the types of injuries, most of them (47%) got cuts and scratch and 32.2% injured their fingers. Besides that, in the past year, 358 subjects ( around 44%) chanced on events at work. Most of them (22%) got cuts and scratch, and also 17.7% hurt their fingers. When further studies being done to analyze the correlations among personal factors and occupational injuries, the results show that stress from work, marital status, content of work, types of jobs, overheated working places, second-hand smoke, and fatigue all bore relation with occupational injuries. The study reveals that more than half of Affiliated Schools students with part-time jobs suffer from occupational injuries, and that pre-service training and in-service training those subjects received is obviously not enough. Therefore, it could be concluded that Affiliated Schools and authorities concerned should provide support and guidance to prepare students for potential hazards at work.


occupational injury nearmiss health status


王肇齡, 黃志中, 楊俊毓, & 莊弘毅. (2000). 個人疲勞強度問卷中文版之效度及
