  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship among Personality Traits, Perceived Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction:A Sample of Employees in the Computer Industry

指導教授 : 徐郁茹


本研究主要探討電腦業人員之人格特質對工作-家庭衝突認知、工作滿足的影響,工作-家庭衝突認知對工作滿足的影響以及工作-家庭衝突認知的中介效果,並針對電腦業人員的個人變項與其人格特質、工作-家庭衝突認知與工作滿足可能產生的差異進行檢視與分析。本研究針對高雄地區的15家電腦公司,總共發出650份問卷,回收了478份問卷,無效問卷58份,實得有效問卷420份,有效回收率64.62%。經由多元迴歸分析與單因子變異數分析,得到以下七個結論:(1)人格特質對工作-家庭衝突認知有部份顯著影響;(2)人格特質對工作滿足有部份顯著影響;(3)工作-家庭衝突認知對工作滿足有顯著負向影響; (4)工作-家庭衝突認知具有部份中介效果,即人格特質透過工作-家庭衝突認知對工作滿足產生部份的影響;(5)個人變項與人格特質有部分顯著差異;(6)個人變項與工作-家庭認知有部分顯著差異;(7)個人變項與工作滿足有部分顯著差異。研究結果期能幫助電腦業管理人員了解人格特質的不同對員工之工作-家庭衝突的認知與感受將產生不同程度的影響,據此可幫助管理人員作為日後甄選適當人格特質的員工之參考,並藉由提供相關的員工協助方案,以改善員工之工作-家庭衝突的情況,進而促進其工作滿足。


This research primarily explored the potential influence of employees’ personality traits on their perceived work-family conflict and job satisfaction, as well as perceived work-family conflict on job satisfaction. The mediating effect of perceived work-family conflict was also examined. In addition, this study also explored the effects of employees’ personal variables (e.g., gender, age, educational level, etc.) on their personality traits, perceived work-family conflict, and job satisfaction. In this research, 650 questionnaires were distributed to employees of the 15 computer companies situated in the Kaoshiung area. Of the 478 returned questionnaires, 420 were complete questionnaires and 58 were invalid. The response rate was 64.62%. Through the multiple regression analysis and one-way ANOVA, seven major findings were derived as follows: (1)employees’ personality traits had partially significant effects on their perceived work-family conflict; (2) employee’s personality traits had partially significant effects on their job satisfaction; (3)employees’ perceived work-family conflict had significantly negative effects on their job satisfaction; (4)perceived work-family conflict had a partial mediating effect on the relationship between personality traits and job satisfaction; (5)employees’ personality traits partially varied with their personal variables; (6)employees’ perceived work-family conflict partially varied with their personal variables; (7) employees’ job satisfaction partially varied with their personal variables. The research results may help managers of the computer companies better understand that the difference in personality among employees are likely to influence their levels of perceived work-family conflict. By hiring the right employees with appropriate personality and providing well-designed employee assistance programs, the levels of conflict between work and family can be decreased and job satisfaction can be improved.


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