  • 學位論文


The Commentary on the Translation of US Air Force Basic Doctrine

指導教授 : 孫順智


台灣的翻譯市場正蓬勃發展,必定要由接受過訓練及教育的專業人士,才足以擔當翻譯工作的重任,翻譯工作在我國邁向國際化的過程中益形重要。 筆者認為翻譯最重要的莫過於達到「正確傳意」的目的,因為任何著作,無論翻譯得如何的典雅或流暢,若不能正確傳達原文的本意,一切都是空談。 本文以奈達的三階段翻譯系統為基礎,再加上必要之步驟以補強發展為「七階段翻譯系統」,以確保達到「正確傳意」的目的。


The translation market in Taiwan is growing vigorously. Only the translation specialists who have received related training and education can fulfill the great translation mission. The translation work is more and more essential for the internationalization process in Taiwan. The author thinks nothing is more important than the goal of translation-accuracy. Since no matter how elegant or fluent the translation text is, everything will be in vain if it cannot convey the real meaning from the original. This paper is based on Nida’s three-stage system of translation and develops Author’s seven-stage system of translation by adding some necessary stages in order to reach the goal of translation-accuracy.


8. 孫順智,”邁向內容精確取向的翻譯”,《翻譯學研究期刊》,七期,2002。
13. Munday, Jeremy (2001), Introducing Tanslation Studies. London, Routledge.
14. Holmes, James S (1988).”The name and Nature of Translation Studies,” in Translated! Papers on Literary Translation. Amsterdan: Rodopi.
15. Toury, Gideon(1995). Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Bejamins.
16. Macmillan English Dictionary: 2002。


