  • 學位論文


A Study of Innovative Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Enterprises at Taiwan

指導教授 : 林秋娟


摘 要 人力資源管理活動已越來越完善,然隨著台灣產業結構之改變,知識經濟時代來臨,其與企業組織相關性日益增加,而管理範疇亦更加顯得廣泛,因應產業之全球化、資訊化、知識化,企業處於如此競爭激烈的環境下,如何提升競爭優勢及營運績效?知識能帶來經濟效益,而創新能帶來豐富利潤及優勢,其皆來自於「人」的課題上,皆來自於「人」的創作與努力,因此在這劇變的環境中,人力資源部門如何選才、用才、育才、留才?好的人力資源管理與運作是企業取得競爭優勢最主要之課題。藉由創新性人力資源管理,突破舊有之管理方式,加強公司核心能力,提升公司營運績效。 本研究針對未來人力資源管理之議題,透過文獻探討提出四種創新性人力資源管理的構面:招募與甄選的創新、訓練與發展的創新、績效評估的創新、薪資與福利的創新,並利用層級分析法(analytical hierarchy process, AHP)將各構面之關鍵因素進行分析排列,獲得影響中小企業創新性人力資源活動的重要性。 本研究結果發現,影響中小企業創新性人力資源活動前五大關鍵因素依序為:?? 職能訓練提供 ?? 職涯規劃 ?? 員工生涯規劃 ?@ 成立訓練中心 ?A 以團隊績效為基礎。因此,本研究建議,中小企業在人力資源活動方面應當多著重於建立員工職能的發展與訓練之相關規劃,一方面可以培養優秀員工留任在組織擔任要職,也可藉由教育訓練的推行,進而使企業向上提升,為企業增加價值。


Abstract Human resource management is a mature science. As the era of information and knowledge based economy has arrived due to economic structural change in Taiwan, the relationship between human resource management and business organizations has became closer, which has further broaden the context of human resource management. Under the trend of globalization and informatization, increasing competitive advantage and effectiveness has became a question for business organizations. The economy of scale, which brought by knowledge, and the profit and advancement, which is brought by innovation, are all based on human, based on the creativity and hard work of human. In such dynamic environment, how to select, utilize, train and retain human resource, is therefore, a critical duty of the human resource department of the business. Brilliant human resource management and utilization can result in competitive advantage for business organizations. Thus, increase in overall competitive power and effectiveness of the business is made possible by the implementation of innovative human management methods. By the implementation of Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP, this paper focuses on topics relating to the human resource management in the future. The innovation of four human resource management aspects, including the recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, and remuneration and benefits innovations, are to be discussed in this paper. Furthermore, in this study, it has found out that the first five key elements which influence SMEs’s innovative human resource management(IHRM)activities significantly, they are 1.competeny training 2.career planning 3.career-path planning 4.established training center 5.teamwork-base assessment for performance appraisal. As the result, SMEs should focus on the development of employee career planning or relative training activities. In addition, under this systemic IHRM procedure, it can be built up stronger comparative advantage and organizational value.


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