  • 學位論文


The (In)visibility of Translators:A Case Study of “The Old Man and the Sea” Translated by Yu and Chang

指導教授 : 藍月素




The impact of the translator’s viewpoint on a translated text has been debated for a long time; but the issues of translator subjectivity and (in)visibility are relatively neglected topics in the literary translation. Corpus analysis techniques offer the possibility of quantifying the influence of the individual literary translator on the translated text. Olohan proposes that this influence could be isolated by comparing the translation with “control” non-translated texts written by the same translators. Acting on this suggestion, this paper analyses the words and sentence patterns of Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea translated by Yu Kuang-chung and Chang Eileen, and compares it with the style of the same two translators’ literary writing, hoping in this way to gain insight into the extent of the translator visibility. The results show that both translators apply their literary writing style to their translation and, in this sense, translator visibility is established and observable. The research is thus a concrete realisation of Olohan’s original proposal.


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