  • 學位論文


Safety Culture Study within a Multinational Company

指導教授 : 謝賢書


本研究利用問卷調查的方式,針對一家橫跨外商公司在東南亞地區的工廠或辦公室,即台灣、印度、印尼、澳洲、韓國、新加坡與中國的地區,評量各地區的工廠或辦公室的安全文化。所用的問卷直接採用工業局委託產基會所發展的十面向68題的安全文化評量。10個構面分別為安全承諾、安全知覺、安全優先、組織文化、安全溝通、獎勵與懲罰、安全訓練、安全環境、風險管理以及安全管理系統。許多研究者提到,不問青紅皂白的順服(相對於授權)是被動的是不利於安全文化的提升。且時代漸漸走向全球化的競爭,尤其是高科技企業都會需要員工不要持有保守的態度(相對於創新態度)。因此本研究另加5題初步探討這兩個因素對於安全文化是否有負面的影響。 本研究共得到266份有效問卷,各地區的問卷數介於23到59之外。本研究發現,不同國家地區的安全文化的確有差異性存在。且大部分的研究對象都有其優勢與劣勢。此外更發現順服對於安全文化是沒有影響,而保守則是會跟安全文化有正面的相關。


安全文化 順服 保守


This study conduct a questionnaire survey on the following working sites of a multinational company, namely, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. We adopted a ten-construct questionnaire developed by foundation of Twain Industry Service. The ten constructs include safety commitment, safety awareness, safety priority, organization culture, safety communication, reward and penalty, safety training, safety environment, risk management and safety management system. Empowerment and innovation are addressed in the present business management. Besides, two more constructs are added, i.e., employee’ obedience and conservativeness. Empowerment, opposite to obedience, has been championed as an important feature to an effective safety management system. Innovation, opposite to conservativeness, is also an important feature for a high-tech organization competing in the global environment. This study is aimed to investigate what effect empowerment and innovation have on safety culture. The study collected 266 copies of effective questionnaires, ranging from 23 to 59 copies among 7 working sites. The differences of safety culture in the ten-construct are documented. Contradictory to the previous research, Employee’ obedience does not have any effect in the ten constructs in the most working sites within this multinational company. Conservativeness does have positive effect on many constructs of this safety culture survey.


safety culture obedience conservativeness


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