  • 學位論文


The Study on Characteristics of Water Demand in Tsengwenhsi River Basin Area

指導教授 : 周士雄


水資源開發因環境限制而日益困難,不僅都市發展依賴水資源之供應,地方產業發展與產業的轉型亦受到水資源管理之限制。因此,水資源開發管理已成為歷年研究重點且日趨受到重視。本研究以永續發展理念為前提,針對曾文溪流域整體水資源的應用,探討其現況供給特性與用水需求,應用系統動態學中對於長期且有週期性的方式去預測流域內各鄉鎮不同用水項目的未來需水量。 研究分析主要是採用生活用水、工業用水與農業用水等項目的歷史資料現況,如蓄水設施、自來水供水系統、工業供水系統與農業供水系統等,將流域內各鄉鎮的用水現況與所預測出的用水量進行分析,同時說明其差異的結果。此外,本研究亦依照各鄉鎮主要產業之用水特性,分析各鄉鎮的水資源需水量與各鄉鎮的產業偏向。分析結果台南縣的鄉鎮大多偏向農業的發展,佔研究範圍內一半以上的鄉鎮,而台南市各區則以發展商業與工業為主。因此在本研究各標的用水的策略上,可充分支持台南縣應以農業用水為主,其它用水為輔;台南市應以民生用水與工業用水主,農業用水為輔。


Water resource development has become more difficult due to environmental inhibition. Supply of water resource supports urban development, but its strict management restrains development and transformation of local industries. Therefore, water resource management has become key research topics and increasingly emphasized. This study investigated current supply characteristics and water requirement of the overall water resources in the areas of Tsengwenhsi River by setting permanent development as a presupposition and applying system dynamics to estimate water demand of various water usages in each township within the watershed. This study analyzed historical records and current state of domestic, industrial, and agricultural water usage, and estimated water consumption in each township within the watershed, then the differences among which were also elucidated. In addition, this study also analyzed water resource demand and industrial inclination of each township based on water usage characteristics of major industries in each township. The analysis result shows that many townships in Tainan County mostly tended toward development of agriculture, more than half townships within subjects of this study, while the districts of Tainan City tended toward development of commerce and industry. Therefore, water usage strategy for various industries extensively supports that Taiwan County takes agricultural water as priority and other water usages as secondary, while Tainan City takes domestic and industrial water as priority and agricultural as secondary.


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