  • 學位論文


Investigation of Occupational Injury Factors among Cleaning Staffs in Tainan City

指導教授 : 林信一
共同指導教授 : 李素幸


清潔隊人員負責維護城市的環境整潔,作業時不僅需隨垃圾車在街道上清運垃圾,也需進行水溝的清理、道路路面清掃等作業,作業時間含括日間及夜間,是極為消耗體力的辛苦工作。本研究以台南市公、民營清潔隊隊員為主要研究對象,探討清潔隊人員的工作危害及健康問題,以結構式問卷為調查工作,共收集393份人員問卷資料進行分析。問卷內容包括個人特徵、工作因素、危害因子及健康問題等因素,資料分析首先探討工作環境危害及健康問題的盛行率,並進一步分析個人特徵、工作因素及工作環境危害與健康問題的相關性。 研究結果顯示清潔隊員自我報告的健康問題盛行率以關節處酸痛最高(19.6%),其次為中暑(18.3%)、感冒(17.3%)、盜汗(14.8%)及皮膚病(14.5%);對於工作環境的危害,清潔隊員自我報告的前五項分別為:人車擁擠(31.8%)、巷道狹窄(26.2%)、垃圾污染(22.6%)、休息時間太短(22.6%)、及交通噪音(16.5%)。清潔隊員防護具的使用以反光背心最高(81%)的使用,其次為工作服(64%)、防塵口罩(46%)、棉紗手套(46%)、橡膠手套(28%)、活性炭口罩(26%)等。 相關性分析發現,工作性質(一般駕駛、掃地班、清運班、水溝班及代運班)在健康問題上有較多顯著性的差異,這些健康問題包括包括「中暑」、「感冒」、「盜汗」、「強炫光危害」、「目眩」、「視力減退」、「皮膚晒(灼)傷」、「噪音危害」、「聽力減退」、「關節處酸痛」、「神經傷害」、「頸肩傷害」與「常失眠」等。 在工作環境與健康問題的相關性上發現,眼睛方面的症狀與交通灰塵、垃圾中的化學物及生物性污染、及炫光有關;與呼吸道的症狀有關的因素交通灰塵及垃圾中的化學物及生物性污染;耳鳴及聽力減退等問題與收集垃圾音樂聲及交通噪音有關;與體溫症狀有關的健康問題與環境高低溫差、垃圾中的生物性污染及街道溝渠清理有關;皮膚病與皮膚潰爛則與垃圾收集中的化學物及生物性污染有關;關節處酸痛則與車速過快、振動、搬運廢棄家具、垃圾收集及街道溝渠清理有關;腰背酸痛與肌肉骨骼問題普遍都與負重有關係。 清潔隊員屬於生活環境的末端廢棄物處理及環境維護人員,其面臨的工作環境甚為複雜,不僅有害物暴露雜處,且處在戶外環境飽受溫差之苦,相形之下防護具的使用普遍有不足及不適當的情形,建議各級環保單位針對各類的環境危害或健康問題提出改善策略及提供足夠和合適的防護器具。


City cleaning staffs are responsible for street neat and tidy in the city. At work, they not only have to carry trash following the dump truck along the street; but also have to clean the ditches and sweep the streets. This job, with working hours extending from day to evening, is an extremely physically exerted work. This study used public and private city cleaning staffs as research population to investigate their workplace hazard and health problems. A structured questionnaire was administered to the study population. Finally, three hundred and ninety three completed questionnaires were available for the data analysis. Data collected in the questionnaire included personal characteristics, job factors, workplace hazards and health problems. Prevalent rates for workplace hazards and health problems were first analyzed; and afterward Chi-square test was applied to analyze the relationship between personal characteristics, job factors, workplace hazards, and health problems. Study results show that the most prominent self-reported health problems among city cleaning staffs were joint pain and soreness (19.6%), following by heat stroke (18.3%), common cold (17.3%), sweating (14.8%), and skin disease (14.5%). For workplace hazards, the five most reported hazards were: street crowded with people and cars (31.8%), narrow alley (26.2%), trash contamination (22.6%), little rest time (22.6%), and traffic noise (16.5%). For personal protective equipment (PPE), the most used PPE was reflective safety vest (81%), work uniform (64%), dusk mask (46%), clothed glove (46%), rubber glove (28%), and active carbon mask (26%). Analysis also reveals that work type (driving, sweeping, carrying trash, cleaning ditches and replacement) was significantly different with many health problems, such as heat stroke, common cold, sweating, strong dazzling light, eye dazzling, decreased eyesight, burn, noise, hearing loss, joint pain and soreness, nerve injury, neck and shoulder injury, and insomnia. For relationship between workplace hazards and health problems, it was found that eye problems were related to traffic dusk, chemical and biological contamination in trash and dazzling light; respiratory track problems were related to traffic dusk, chemical and biological contamination in trash; tinnitus and hearing loss was related to loud music conveying of the dump truck and traffic noise; body temperature associated symptoms were related to extreme environmental temperatures, biological contamination in trash and ditch cleaning; skin disease and erosion were related to chemical and biological contamination during trash collection; join pain and soreness was related to speeding of the dump truck, vibration, furniture carrying, trash collection and ditch cleaning; back pain and soreness and muscular skeletal problems were related to heavy weight carrying. The work of cleaning staffs, that handle wastes and maintain the environment, is in the terminal end of our living environment. They face complicated environment where trash materials mix with harmful agents and the outdoor temperature vary extremely. Under such circumstances, personal protective equipments are observed relatively in shortage and even under improper usage condition. We suggest that environmental agencies should put more efforts in revising current occupational safety and health policy toward the city cleaning staffs and provide proper and sufficient personal protective equipment for their usage.


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