  • 學位論文


Study on Park Management Strategy and Application of Management Information System for Park in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 蔡光榮 周家慶


隨著都市化發展的結果,都會大廈林立,建築物佔領了我們多處空間,人往都市集中,住宅日益增加的結果,居住生活品質對公共空間使用需求就越來越高,而富綠意的公園有著大自然的吸納汙染淨化空氣、降低噪音、調節溫度和製造歡樂及無限生機活力來源,讓公園綠地的使用,提供民眾休憩活動功能上扮演重要角色。近年來民眾對公園管理的要求所重視的程度不斷增加,都市化的結果,不再僅是老年人活動場域,而是有被更多不同年齡層所利用。我們可觀察到從小孩、青少年、成年人到殘障人士、孕婦等都是使用需求的對象。因此對各項設施如無障礙設施、樹木規劃種植、兒童遊樂設施、環境清潔及水電設施的維護、公園使用及民眾參與、禁止吸菸措施等相關管理議題都逐漸為民眾所重視及關心。為了改善公園品質,首要任務就是要健全與強化公園管理,而利用電子化資訊所建立的管理系統,並透過民眾參與公部門事物的雙向合作,實為管理維護所能達到的最佳且有效的管理模式之一。 本研究以新北市公園為研究範圍,透過新北市公園管理資訊系統的應用,探討公園設施的有效管理。研究首先對公園相關基本屬性與空間圖資進行收集與建檔,並整合建置於管理資訊系統,據以了解新北市公園綠地資源利用現況,並提供管理者對公園綠地資源運用與管理之需,並用以探究公園綠地資源的管理維護策略。 研究結果顯示,運用新北市公園管理資訊系統,不但可將新北市所轄管之公園現況資料加以整理建檔,並有效地提升新北市公園綠地管理之資訊化;且透過公園資訊系統的運用,更能縮短維護時程,提高效率及服務品質。此外本研究提出樹木維護、設施維護、標準作業程序建立及考核機制建立等公園管理策略,藉以提高樹木保護層級、加強設施管理維護能力、提升行政效率、落實有效防弊及提高服務品質,將可提供管理機關於公園管理執行及政策擬定時的參考。


The results of rapid urbanization caused poor living conditions, such as, many high rise buildings, reduced sky view, excessive increase in population, and small living space. Therefore, urban parks and open green spaces, which provide air and water purification, wind and noise filtering, microclimate stabilization, social and psychological services, are of a strategic importance for the quality of life of our increasingly urbanized society. Activities and feelings experienced in the park are significantly related to people’s age. City planners and urban designers should therefore take into account this variability, by managing parks in a diversified way, so as to fulfill the needs and expectations of all the segments of the population (children, teenagers, adults, elderly people, disable persons, etc.). Public participation and a qualitative appraisal of their needs and interests are believed to help urban communities to articulate commonly shared values which, in turn, can serve as reference criteria for local planners to envision more sustainable city strategies. Therefore, the management and maintenance of disabled access, vegetation, recreational facilities, environment clean up, electrical and plumbing equipment, etc, are very important. This study shows that internet technology in conjunction with GIS system can be a efficient way to park management and maintenance. Empirical study was conducted in New Taipei City. The corresponding essential attribute and cartographic data of each park were integrated in the existing park management information system for administrators to monitor current usage of parks and open green spaces. The system, then, can serve not only as a quick and easy access to all data but also as an efficient assessment of park management and maintenance. The results show that maintenance schedule is shortened and service quality is increased using this system. Furthermore, the maintenance of trees and facilities, the standard operation procedures of supervision and assessment in park management were established in this study and they can be implemented in practice.


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