  • 學位論文


The Government Behavior in the Losses of Cultivated Land in Tainan City

指導教授 : 吳彩珠


行政院農業委員會101農地資源空間分級分類成果,完成全國各縣市農地資源調查,並將其分為第一種至第四種農業用地;在特定條件下,認為我國農地需求為74萬至81萬公頃;並於全國區域計畫草案時納入各直轄市、縣(市)政府宜維護農業用地面積,俾各直轄市、縣(市)政府於全國區域計畫公布後,作為縣(市)區域計畫的依據。 農地政策轉變是農地流失的主要原因,農業發展條例由「農地農有農用」修正為「農地農用」後,農地變更使用價值攀升,造成我國耕地不斷流失,近10年更超過4,000公頃,顯示農地資源管理與利用制度有所缺漏;即中央制定法律,全部或一部委由地方政府執行,此機制已有委託-代理情況,當中央與地方皆把效用最大化作為主要目標時,地方政府的執行將不會完全依照中央的契約實施,此即是耕地流失的主要因素,故政府機關是影響制度的最大因素,而此對我國的糧食安全將有重大影響。故中央農業主管機關應重視此一嚴重問題,並以地方政府觀點制定法律,以防止耕地進一步大量流失。


Council of Agriculture Executive Yuan brought up agricultural land resource space hierarchical classification results in 2012.They have completed agricultural land resources survey, and divided into first to fourth farmland; taiwan’s demand for agricultural land from 740 thousand to 810 thousnd hectares on specific conditions; and announced that each Prefectural government should maintain the agricultural land area when the draft regional plan announcement should serve Prefectural government to develop the local regional planning basis. Changes of Agricultural policy is mainly due to cultivated land losses , the government drafts the revision of the Agricultural Development Act . The main points of revisions are to release of the restriction on agricultural land transferee and realize of substantial agricultural land uses.Because the value between agricultural use and non- agricultural use becomes larger and larger ,and results in cultivated land to lose more than 4 thousand hectares in the last 10 years in Taiwan. And agricultural land resource manages and uses system to have gaps; central government develops legislation, and full or part executed by the Prefectural government, it’s called principle - agents mechanism. When the main purpose maximize utilities both the central and local government, the local government will not be fully implemented in accordance with the central contract. It’s a major factor of loss cultivated land, so government is the biggest factor to affect the system and food security policies. Therefore, the central government should attach this serious problem, and display the views of local government to enact laws to prevent further huge loss of cultivated land.


