  • 學位論文


Translating Classic Chinese Novel into English: a case study on Three Kingdoms

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


《三國演義》為中國古代長篇歷史章回小說,與《西遊記》、《水滸傳》、《紅樓夢》並列中國四大名著。筆者以《三國演義》作為研究對象,因為個人在中學時就對這本書非常著迷。在筆者就讀長榮大學翻譯研究所在職專班時,我採用《三國演義》作為論文研究主題,正是因為這本書在漢學上的重要地位。在研究的過程中,筆者利用Lawrence Venuti的歸化與異化翻譯理論,以及Hans Vermeer的目的論,做為論文研究的理論基礎。筆者的比較模式可分為三個部分,分別為《三國演義》原文、Three Kingdoms英譯、以及筆者回譯,比較後並加入筆者的評論。筆者也希望,個人的論文對於對漢學、筆譯、中國傳統小說、以及翻譯理論有興趣者,能夠有所助益。


三國演義 歸化 異化 目的論 回譯


Three Kingdoms is an ancient Chinese historical novel, and it is known for being one of the four major Chinese novels with the Journey to the West, Outlaws of the Marsh, and Dream of the Red Chamber. I choose Three Kingdoms as my study target because it attracted my attention when I studied in high school. When conducting a research study at the Interpreting and Translation Department of Chang Jung Christian University, I adopted this book as my research topic because of its Sinological importance. The study is based on Lawrence Venuti’s Domestication and Foreignization theory and Hans Vermeer’s Skopos theory. I make comparisons based on three major parts: the text of Three Kingdoms, English translation of Three Kingdoms, and the author’s back-translation. Comments are then made on these comparisons. I hope that this thesis will be helpful for those who are interested in Sinology, written translation, Chinese traditional novels, as well as translation theories.


Baker, Mona,ed.(1998), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies。London:Routledge。
Jerome Publishing Nienhauser, William H. Jr. ed.(1986), The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Taipei:SMC
Shuttleworth Mark & Cowie Moira(1999), Dictionary of Translation Studies, Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.
Venuti, L. (1993). Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology, London: Routledge.
Venuti, L. (1995/2008). The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of


