  • 學位論文

奏出新生命的樂章 雙失青少年參與少年On Ligh培訓方案生涯發展經驗之研究

Research about the experience about “double loss” teenagers who participating “On Light” program

指導教授 : 蔡青芬


摘 要  隨著十二年國教的推行,使得所有學生都必須完成高中的學歷,但對於不喜愛上學的學生而言是否有所益處或是折磨,則須深思。根據教育部統計處的資料,在102學年度中,該年度的國民中學之輟學人數為3834人,而非該年度之輟學人數為628人,輟學率為0.46%,儘管已低於九年前的0.71%,但仍有一定的機會會再輟。因此該如何輔導他們就學或就業,進一步做出生涯決定便是需要去了解與探討的。 本論文的目的在了解雙失青少年參與On Light計畫前之生命經驗,並探討雙失青少年參與少年On Light計畫前後之生涯發展能力之變化與少年On Light計畫對雙失青少年之生涯決定的影響。為達成此研究目的,本研究針對參與過少年On Light計畫之學員採用質性訪談進行資料蒐集以及分析,共訪談9為學員,從第一屆至第六屆皆有,其中男性有6名,女性有3名。   研究結果發現,1.雙失青少年之生涯經驗多為負向為主,對就學多無興趣,且其生態系統不佳。2.參與少年On Light計畫後的改變,則以舒波(Super)的職業成熟理論來探討,在職業選擇的導向方面,受訪者在參與計畫後對未來生涯方向有更近一步的了解;在資訊與計畫方面,透過課程對於職場領域有更多了解;在職業偏好的一致性方面,透過計畫使其找到有興趣或喜愛的職業;在特質的結晶化方面,透過嘗試不同的工作進而找到合適的工作,慢慢了解到自己能力與興趣;在職業獨立方面,透過職場經驗使其了解到對於某些工作的合適性,進而可以採取進一步的行動;而在職業偏好的智慧方面,受訪者在實際工作之後,會發現工作上的困難之處及會確認是否為其興趣,最後進而做出選擇,即能力與興趣的配對。3.根據生活發展處遇來確認為何少年On Light計畫會造成學員有所改變後發現多少都有符合其範疇,但對於各範疇則細項則未能兼顧。4.在參與過計畫後,受訪者對其未來的生涯規劃也所改變,有些仍屬於財務導向,但有家庭導向的影子;有些則為工作成就導向,想要回饋社會;有些則是工作領導導向,像要在該領域闖出一片天;有些則是想要再回到學校做進修,屬於教育導向。5.透過社會學習理論取的四類別來檢驗參與計畫前後生涯決定能力之變化,在環境條件與事件中,可以分成參與計畫之動機以及特殊經驗來作探討,動機大多受到家人的影響,而特殊經驗則為少年幫派經驗之影響為主;而學習經驗則為透過參與計畫之課程,使受訪者對於職場有了更深的了解;而任務取向技巧則主要在人際互動及工作態度有所改善。   最後,研究者根據本研究之結論,對少年On Light計畫提出四建議,分別為政策面、執行面、實務面與方案推動改進建議。政策方面之建議為擴大宣傳、增加相關計畫之質性研究以做為遊說之基礎以及納入十二年國教評鑑項目之一。執行方面之建議建議資源整合系統。實務方面為請警政單位協助、課程多元專業化。方案推動改進建議為主管機關適時的提供協助、加強與各就學階段之連結。 關鍵詞:雙失青少年、少年On Light計畫、生涯發展、生涯決定


Abstract With 12-year compulsory education law passed, all students in Taiwan are required to complete high school education.It is a good question whether it is befinit or torture for students who donnot like going to school.The Ministry of Education and Statistics Department information said the number of dropouts is 4316 people, and dropout rate is 0.34%, lower than a decade ago which is 0.20%.Despite the dropout rate is lower and lower, there is possibility that these students would dropout again.In this way, we should know how to cousele them to school or employment and further making career decisions. The purpose of this paper is to understand “NEET”’s life experience before participating On Light program, and to explore the change in NEET’s ability of carrer development after participation the On Light Program, and the effects of On Light program on the NEET’s career choice.In this study, the students interview 9 juvenile, including 6 males and 3 females, from 1St to sixth edition, participating On Light program and carried out data collection and analysis. The following are the results of this study. First, most NEET in this study have negative career experience for schooling and working, mostly young people experience negative based on no more interest in school and their ecosystem are poor. Second, in order to see the changes in career development, we use Super’ s theory of career maturity.In the domain of orientation to career choice, the NEET know more about their career after joining the program.In the domain of consistency career preferences, they found their prefer job.In the domain of crystallization characteristics they realized their ability and interests and found the right job via trying different works.In the domain of professional independence, they realized some jobs are not suitable for them and they can take further action.In the domain of wisdom of vocational preferences, after the actual work, they found difficulty at work and will confirm whether their interest, and then make the final choice.They will match their ability and interests.Third, based on framework of intervention of life development, the cource in On Light program meets the domains in that framework more or less, however, not it does not include every item in the domains.Forth, after joining the program, participants of On Light program changed their direction of carrer planning. Some are still financial orientation, but also family orientation.Some are work-achievement orientation, and want contributing to society.Some are work-leadership orientation, and want to make achievement in their job.Some are educational orientation, and want to back to school to study further.Fifth, through social learning theory to see the changes of ability in carrer choice, there are changes without doubt.The motivation to join the On Light program are mostly evoked by their family members.The juvenile gangs experience push NEET to turn good. The learning experience in On Light program makes NEET participating On Light program to know more about working fields. Based on the conclusions of this study, the researcher give some recommandation from four domain to improvement, which are policy domain, implementation domain, practice domain and promotion domain. In policy aspect, there are promotion of publicity and increasing of qualitative research related to the project as the basis for lobbying and the inclusion of one evaluation project for twelve years. In implementation aspect, there is implementation of resource integration system. In practical aspects, there are assistance from police units and multivariate courses. In promotion aspect, there are assistance form competent authorities and strengthening the link with the school stage. Key words: NEET, On Light program, career development, carrer choice


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