  • 學位論文

Albendazole與龍膽瀉肝湯混合治療在小白鼠感染廣東住 血線蟲誘發寄生蟲性腦膜炎之療效

Efficacy of albendazole and Long-dan-xie-gan-tan co-therapy against Angiostrongylus cantonensis induced parasitic meningitis in BALB/c mice

指導教授 : 李秀雄


廣東住血線蟲症感染腦部,引起嗜伊紅性腦膜炎與腦膜腦炎時,albendazole是優先被考慮用來作驅蟲藥,但是被殺死的蟲體堆積在腦部時,再次引發嚴重的免疫反應,可能造成腦部更大的傷害。龍膽瀉肝湯是一種普遍在中醫方劑中,應用範圍廣泛的抗發炎方劑。本實驗分析一些發炎治療指標,包括 1) 腦脊髓液(cerebrospinal fluid,CSF)的組織型血纖維蛋白酶原( tissue type plasminogen activator, t-PA)、尿激酶型血纖維蛋白酶原(urokinase type plasminogen activator, u-PA)及基質金屬蛋白酶-9 (Matrix metalloproteinases-9, MMP-9)生化檢查 2) 用Haematoxylin-eosin staining之病理組織切片來看腦膜炎的組織變化 3) 再以線蟲蟲體回收數量是否降低。實驗結果顯示廣東住血線蟲所引發的腦膜炎與腦膜腦炎,用albendazole與龍膽瀉肝湯共同治療能降低發炎指標 tPA、uPA、and MMP-9;的活性,也會減少腦脊髓液中蟲體回收數量與嗜伊紅白血球,所以龍膽瀉肝湯在治療蛛蜘膜下腔的發炎反應中扮有抗發炎的角色。


The anthelmintic agent albendzole can kill the Angiostrongylus cantonensis larva the infect the brain, the dead larvae are capable of evoking a severe, brain damaging immune response. Long-dan-xia-gan-tan(LDXGT) is one of the most common herbal medicines used to ant-inflammatory reaction . Assay indicators for the therapeutic effect include: 1) CSF biochemical test, such as tPA, uPA, and MMP-9, 2) histopathological score of meningitis, and 3) worm recovery. The result show that the albendazole- LDXGT co-therapy significantly decreased (P<0.05) the activity of tPA, uPA, and MMP-9, CSF eosinophil and worm recovery . These finding indicate that albendazole- LDXGT co-therapy exerted significant effects on parasitic meningitis. Conclusively, this herbal drug may have theraputical role in inflammatory reaction of subarachid space。


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