  • 學位論文


The study of eating disorders tendency and related factors including locus of control, influences of significant others and media in grade four to six elementary school students in Taichung.

指導教授 : 翁玉青


本研究以台中市國民小學四至六年級學童為研究對象,主要目的在瞭解台中市國小學童之病態飲食行為傾向及相關影響因子之探討。以不記名自填式問卷為研究工具,問卷內容包含四個部分:A.基本資料及體型滿意度;B.兒童飲食態度測驗 (ChEAT-26);C.內外控信念量表 (Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale);D.重要他人影響量表及媒體影響量表,結果發現:(1) 58.4%的學童體型正常,分別有32.7%的男童及22.2%女童體型為稍胖或非常胖;39.0%的學童希望自己能再瘦一點。(2) 學童之ChEAT-26平均分數為8.71±8.35分,10.5%的學童為病態飲食行為傾向高危險群(ChEAT-26≧20,EAT(+)),男童及女童分別為8.4%及12.6%。(3) 學童之ChEAT-26得分與內外控信念量表、重要他人影響量表及媒體影響量表得分皆呈現顯著正相關。(4) EAT(+) 學童之外控信念、受重要他人及媒體影響程度皆顯著高於EAT(-) 學童。(5)羅吉斯迴歸分析結果顯示,「體型滿意度」、「內外控信念」、「重要他人影響程度」及「媒體影響程度」為有效預測國小學童病態飲食行為傾向的重要因子。 本研究建議政府單位應透過學校、社區或媒體推行相關的教育計畫,指導學生正確的飲食行為,以預防病態飲食行為的普及。


This study recognized the eating disorders tendency and the related factors in grade four to six elementary school students in Taichung. The anonymous self-report questionnaire with four sections was used, including: A. Demographics and body satisfaction; B. Children’s Eating Attitude Test-26, ChEAT-26; C. Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale; D. Influence of Significant Others Scale and Influence of Media Scale. As a result, we found that: (1) There were 58.4% children with standard body shapes, and 32.7% boys and 22.2% girls were over-weight or fat. Moreover, 39% children wanted to be thinner. (2) The mean of ChEAT-26 was 8.71±8.35, and 10.5% children were at high risk of eating disorders tendency (ChEAT-26≧20, EAT(+)) including 8.4% boys and 12.6% girls. (3) Scores of ChEAT-26, Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale, Influence of Significant Others Scale and Influence of Media Scale were positively correlated. (4) The level of external control, influence of significant others and media was significantly higher in EAT(+) children than in EAT(-) ones. (5) Logistic Regression Analysis showed that body satisfaction, locus of control, influence level of significant others and media were important factors to predict the eating disorders tendency in elementary school students. We suggest the importance of government’s support educational programs in directing children’s eating behaviors and this may help in prevention of children’s eating disorders.


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