  • 學位論文


The 921 Earthquake: A study of disaster resilience among medical service workers

指導教授 : 童伊廸 張麗珠


臺灣天然災害很多且發生頻繁,是天然災害的易致災區。災難事件發生第一時間,首重生命安全。醫療衛生即為防救災工作中搶救生命、維護健康的重要一環,自921地震發生後,突顯醫院在防救災體系扮演關鍵的角色。從文獻可知自921地震之今仍在職的醫療服務人員具有韌性,而本研究以探討醫療服務人員持續工作的原動力,以及921地震對其生命的影響,瞭解影響醫療服務人員災害韌性的因素及關聯性。   本研究以中部地區某區域醫院為研究場域,自921地震後至今仍在職之醫療服務人員為研究對象,採用質量混合研究方法,主要目的在於探討影響醫療服務人員災害韌性之相關因素。深度訪談總共有15位受訪者,以質性資料分析軟體ATLAS.ti進行編碼,再做跨個案分析,找出影響災害韌性之相關因素,標示每個編碼之間的關連性。量化研究共有249份有效問卷,以統計分析軟體PASW進行描述性統計分析,如次數百分比、平均數、標準差等,推論統計方面,進行相關性分析、t檢定與變異數分析。   質性研究結果發現影響其災害韌性之因素有天然災害的經驗、防災準備、信任、專業訓練、責任感、宗教信仰、社會支持、助人以及自我成長。量化研究結果發現,年齡和部門體系在自我成長、宗教信仰、社會支持、助人分量表與災害韌性量表均有顯著差異,教育程度則是在社會支持、助人分量表與災害韌性量表呈現顯著差異,而族群在自我成長分量表有顯著差異,家庭結構在社會支持分量表有顯著差異,宗教信仰在宗教信仰分量表有顯著差異。最後提出討論及建議作為未來提升災難醫學品質,以及提升防救災相關工作人員災害韌性之基石。


Many and frequent occurrence of natural disasters in Taiwan is prone to cause natural disaster stricken areas. When disaster incident that the first important is life safety. Health is the anti-disaster relief work in saving lives and maintaining healthy important part, since the 921 earthquake, highlighting the hospitals play a key role in disaster prevention and rescue system. The resilience of medical service workers have known from the literature since this study to explore the driving force behind the continuing work of the medical services personnel, as well as the 921 earthquake in their life, to understand the factors that influence medical service workers disaster resilience and associated. In this study, the central region of regional hospital for the study of the field after 921 earthquakes still serving medical service workers the research object, using mixed research methods, the main purpose is to explore the impact disaster resilience of the medical service workers. Depth interviews with a total of 15 participators, qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti coding, cross-case analysis, identify disaster resilience, marked between each encoding related. Quantitative research to a total of 249 valid questionnaires, statistical analysis software PASW of descriptive statistical analysis, such as the percentage of the mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics, correlation analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The Qualitative Research results found that the disaster resilience of factors affect their disaster experience of natural disasters, disaster preparedness, trust, professional training, a sense of responsibility, religious beliefs, social support, to help others, and self-growth. Quantitative research results found that age and department, personal growth, religious beliefs, social support, and help others subscale and Disaster Resilience Scale showed a significant difference in the level of education is significant in social support, to help others subscale and Disaster Resilience Scale differences, and ethnic self-growth subscales significant differences, significant differences in family structure in the social support subscale, significant differences of religious belief in the subscale of religious belief. Finally, discussions and recommendations as to the future to enhance the quality of disaster medicine, as well as enhance the resilience of the base of disaster prevention for relief worker.


