  • 學位論文


The temporal and spatial distribution of metal elements in Yunlin

指導教授 : 郭崇義


本研究目的係探討工業區污染源排放重金屬在附近環境中之分佈情形,將雲林地區區分為離島工業區、鄰近工業區及遠離工業區,分別採集該地區室外懸浮微粒(PM2.5)及落塵(Dry deposition),分析22種重金屬含量,並比較3個地區重金屬含量及重金屬組成之分佈情形。另選擇斗六地區採集室外懸浮微粒(PM2.5),探討不同時間重金屬含量及重金屬組成之差異。 研究結果發現細粒徑懸浮微粒(PM2.5)排除塵土影響後之總重金屬(Total Metals,T Metals)及離島工業區相關產業主要排放之金屬(Industrial Metals,Ind Metals,包括Ni、Cu、Cr、Co、Cd、Se及Hg)之含量均以離島工業區較高,且日間重金屬含量皆高於夜間重金屬含量,利用海陸風探討鄰近工業區(麥寮鄉及台西鄉)兩個採樣點其海陸風變化下金屬濃度之差異,發現吹海風時,其金屬元素之含量都比吹陸風時高,顯示離島工業區金屬排放對鄰近工業區的影響是明顯高於鄰近工業區對離島工業區的影響。進一步探討離島工業區排放對金屬元素在空間分佈上的相似程度,可以發現離島工業區與鄰近工業區之相似度較遠離工業區高。 利用乾沉降板收集之落塵以離島工業區有較高乾沉降通量,分析落塵(Dry deposition)金屬元素之分佈情形,離島工業區落塵中Ind-Metals之含量最高,其次為鄰近工業區、遠離工業區,顯示離島工業區所受的污染比鄰近工業區及遠離工業區還要嚴重。 斗六市細粒徑懸浮微粒(PM2.5)以夏季有較高的金屬含量,其次為秋季及冬季,在扣除衍生性鹽類(SIA)影響後再分析其含量,發現夏季仍有較高之金屬含量。利用不同風向探討附近工廠排放之污染物對斗六市之影響,發現吹東向風時,其金屬元素之濃度都比吹西向風時高,除Ca、V、Ni三元素,其餘五種元素在不同風向達統計上顯著差異(P<0.05),疑似受到位於斗六市東方之工廠其排放金屬之影響。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the source of fine particulate matters (PM2.5) and dry deposition emitted from the industrial area in Yunlin. The sampling sites include the industrial area, neighboring industrial area and control area (far away from industrial area). All the PM2.5 and dry deposition samples were analyzed for 22 metals. Subsequently, compared the concentration of metals in industrial area with neighboring industrial area and control area, the results will show that the composition and distribution of metals. Besides, collect the PM2.5 in Douliou region and discuss the temporal concentration and composition of metals. Results indicated that the total metals (T Metals) and industrial metals (Ind Metals) content in PM2.5 were the highest in the industrial area excluding the effect of the dust, and the metals content in the daytime were higher than the nighttime. The concentrations of total metals and industrial metals in neighboring industrial areas were higher than in other areas when there was sea breeze blowing. The high ratios of sea breeze /land breeze established the metals content of neighboring industrial areas were influenced by the industrial area. The coefficient of divergence (CD) can easily visualize comparison between two sites. Results indicated that the industrial area was similar to the neighboring industrial area, and was dissimilar to the control area. The dry deposition flux and the concentrations of Ind Metals in dry deposition were highest in the industrial area. It showed that the load of pollution in industrial area was higher than in neighboring industrial area and control area. The trend in total metals content of PM2.5 was towards summer> autumn> winter. The total metals content was also highest in summer excluding the effect of the SIA. The concentrations of total metals in Douliou region were higher under the East wind than the West wind. The result was influenced by the industry in the east of Douliou region.


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